Do You Have Undiagnosed ADHD?

Spot the signs early for better ADHD management and support.


Growing awareness of ADHD has led to more people getting diagnosed. However, there are still many people out there with ADHD who have not been diagnosed, and are battling this condition without any support. This guide delves more into some of the signs of ADHD to determine whether you may have this condition, and what you can do about it. 

Know the symptoms

ADHD stands for ‘attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder’. The two main symptoms are trouble paying attention to things and a constant restlessness.

Of course, these symptoms can affect people in different ways. So how do you know if you’ve got ADHD? A few signs that you could have ADHD are included below:

  • You regularly start tasks like washing up or writing a text, but don’t finish them. 

  • You have trouble multitasking and get easily stressed juggling duties. 

  • You feel constantly disorganized - your room is a mess and you have trouble keeping on top of schedules

  • You find it hard to relax and often feel you have to be doing something whether it pacing around or playing with something in your hands

  • Sometimes you hyperfocus on certain tasks and may not notice people speaking to you or realize you’ve not eaten

  • You have trouble controlling your emotions and may lose your temper easily, get embarrassingly overexcited or even cry over small things

  • You find it hard to concentrate on conversations that don’t interest you or you find yourself interrupting people. This may cause people to see you as rude and may even lead to social anxiety.

Know when you need support

Like other conditions, ADHD is a spectrum. Those with mild symptoms may be able to largely control them alone without any support. Those with more severe ADHD can struggle to hold down a job, maintain stable relationships, keep on top of housework, manage finances and even struggle to sit still in places where it is necessary (like during an exam or wedding ceremony). 

ADHD therapy may be useful in these cases as it can help teach you behavioral tricks. This could include tricks to help you concentrate on tasks, or tricks to stop you fidgeting. Medication may even be available in some cases to help reduce symptoms like restlessness. You may also be entitled to other forms of support in other circumstances (such as being able to take an exam in a separate room). 

Get tested

Getting tested for ADHD can help you determine whether you have this condition or not. This involves undertaking a multi-stage screening to monitor your behavior. A professional will then be able to tell if you have ADHD or not  - and how severe it is. 

There are online tests that you can take too. However, these won’t provide you with an official diagnosis (which could be necessary if you need to take an exam but need your own room, or if you believe you need treatment which can only be prescribed with an official diagnosis). Your doctor may be able to recommend an ADHD screening. 
