Tips For Getting A Tattoo You Love

Choosing one that feels yours is the most important task. 


If you're a first-timer who's never set foot in a tattoo shop before, it could seem like a difficult task to decide on a design you'll love for the rest of your life (besides deciding on the size, color, style, and placement). Choosing one that feels yours is the most important task to do before you go to a tattoo artist. 

In this article, you'll get a list of steps to follow when choosing your tattoo design. 

Do not stick to the idea you found and seemed to like - experiment with design to suit your personal taste. Sometimes you'll realize that you'll only want a part of a tattoo you found, or it's a color that you like, not a tattoo itself.

If you have an idea in mind but didn't find an exact picture, ask your tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you. It might turn out in you getting something completely original and unique. 

Your only limit is your imagination. Don't settle on your first impulse. It's okay to devote as much time to brainstorming as you need. 

If you're considering a tattoo for the first time, make sure you're happy with the design beforehand and have added your own flare. Start with a cute small tattoo in a place where you can hide it or show it off when you want.

Some symbols may mean something to people without you even realizing it. So spend some time researching if your tattoo doesn't offend anyone, for example, people of a different culture. 

If you want something written in Asian characters (in hanzi, or hanja, for example), choose very carefully and check your design twice. Your idea of what characters mean might be completely wrong, there might also be double meanings, etc. Do not rely on the interpretations on the shop promo walls, do your own research. 

You probably thought of getting a tattoo a few years ago. What kind of tattoo did you want back then? Would you like it now? If not, then take this into serious consideration. What if you change your mind again later? 

Learn what types of tattoos people regret the most (spoiler: names and homemade tattoos). Better avoid having any name tattooed on your skin. 

Think twice before getting the same tattoo with other people (friends, family, loved ones). 

Tattoos can have a deep meaning, but it's optional, do not feel embarrassed if your tattoo is just something you like (like a movie character) and is not a permanent reminder of something powerful in life or an experience that cannot and should not be forgotten.

The more sensitive the body part is, the higher is the price for a tattoo on that part. Working on sensitive parts, tattoo artists should take more caution than usual. These body parts include feet, hands, and face. Some artists may also refuse to do these types of tattoos. 
