Tips For Dealing With A Breakup
Manage this time in the best possible way.
A breakup can feel like you have hit rock bottom. Whether you are reeling from your first long-term relationship or you have both decided to call it quits, it never gets easier. But the good news is that time heals. While it may not seem like it at the time, you will eventually move on and learn from the whole experience. Taking the time to process your emotions after a breakup can be the difference between self-care and self-sabotage. There are a number of tips you can follow to ensure you manage this time in the best possible way and even work towards using it to your advantage. Continue reading to find out how to survive the initial breakdown of a relationship and what steps you can take today to be well on your way to feeling like yourself again.
Express your emotions
Sometimes letting it all out is the only way to truly heal from the breakdown of a relationship. By getting it out of your system early on, you can purge your body of any heartbreak or negative emotions and begin to heal. The grieving process can come and go in waves. One minute you may experience extreme sorrow or anger and the next you could feel a sense of relief or liberation. It is important to ride the wave of emotions and acknowledge why you may be feeling this way. During the first few weeks of a breakup, you may experience a wide range of seemingly diverse emotions. This can include shock, grief, denial, rejection, pain, fear, embarrassment, and finally acceptance. This can be difficult to deal with at first but is a fundamental first step in the recovery process of learning how to get over someone.
Take time for yourself
Although this may not necessarily seem possible at first, a breakup can allow you to reassess your self-worth and spend time bettering yourself. By prioritizing self-care, you can prevent yourself from becoming riddled with self-doubt and begin the process of becoming a better version of yourself. Learning to love yourself again can speed up the recovery process and help you move on. There are several ways in which you can take time for you and enjoy yourself in the process. Giving yourself credit for small victories can pave the way for a full recovery. Rewarding yourself for getting out of bed or calling a friend can help you make the next step towards learning how to get over being dumped. Therapy has also proven to be a successful method of dealing with a breakup. Expressing your feelings and emotions to another human being can feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Therapists are also equipped to respond in a way that is non-personal and unbiased. This can help you regain a better sense of the situation from an outsider’s perspective and start channeling your emotions into action.
Focus on the future
By envisioning a future without your ex, you can learn to look forward to life again. It may be the last thing you want to hear but life does go on. Over time, you will be able to take control of your life and focus on long-term recovery. Your long-term recovery, however, can depend on a series of decisions you make early on during the grieving process. Prioritizing your mental health throughout the entire process can allow you to make a healthy recovery and prevent your anxiety from spiraling out of control at every turn. Maintaining a healthy social and physical life can also distract you from any ongoing negative thoughts and allow you to focus on the future. Building relationships with others can also enable you to re-establish a sense of trust and eventually move on. A breakup can be a tricky time to form new relationships, but it can benefit you in the short term as well as the long term. Some people rebound the pain of a breakup by immediately re-entering into a new relationship. This may seem like a great solution at the time, but it can lead to the dramatic breakdown of your relationship over time. As you bypass the grieving process, it re-emerges as emotional baggage during your next relationship. You must take time to undergo the full grieving process and acknowledge your emotions before attempting to jump into a similar situation. This can set you up for failure and end in heartbreak down the line.
Don’t many any big decisions
As well as not jumping into any new relationships, you should not be responsible for any big decisions whilst you are in such a fragile state of mind. While it may be tempting to make a big life decision, such as getting a tattoo or cutting your locks, this can lead to a greater sense of regret down the line. A sense of impulsiveness can help you recover from grief, but it can also rapidly worsen your already deteriorating mental state. A breakup can seem like the perfect opportunity to take charge of your life and make some big decisions. Before you do so, you must ask yourself a series of questions. Is there even the smallest chance that you are likely to regret this decision down the line? Will this benefit you in the long term as well as the short term? Will this decision negatively impact you or others around you now or at a later stage? The answers to these questions can determine whether or not you should bite the bullet or lay low for a while. By giving yourself time to process your emotions, you can resurface with a greater sense of self and a clear vision of how to proceed with your life.
Don’t drown your sorrows
While it may be tempting to drown your sorrows or mask your emotions with alcohol, this can lead to bigger problems down the line. Partying may distract you from the ongoing grieving process, but it will not help it go away. You must face your feelings head-on if you want to eventually overcome them and move on. Alcohol is a depressant. This means that while it may provide you with feel-good emotions at first, this will wear off as time goes on. You are then left with the blues and forced to manage an onslaught of negative emotions relating to the breakdown of your relationship the next day. Managing your breakup with drugs or alcohol is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. It may alleviate any stress or worries early on, but they will only return bigger than ever before. Unless you tackle your problems head-on, you are unlikely to ever process your emotions and learn how to heal. Repeating this process time and time again can set you up to fail in future relationships.
Dealing with the lasting effects of a breakup can be difficult. The grieving process may make you feel as if your world is imploding around you but it is a necessary step towards making a full recovery. By following these tips, you can process your emotions and learn to cope with the resultant negatively that follows the breakdown of a relationship.