THCA Flower: What Is It and How It Works

THCA Flower, the Non-Psychoactive Cannabis Choice


Cannabis offers a wide range of health benefits to the human body. Some people want that but want to avoid getting the intoxicating effect of the plant. Simply put, they do not want to get high. If this is you, THCA flower is your best option. The cannabinoid is non-psychoactive, so it does not affect the mind. You enjoy the health benefits only.

In this guide, we will explain the THCA flower, what it is, and how it works, and its potential benefits on the body

What is THCA Flower?

Contrary to popular opinion and what many movies portray, you would not get high when you eat the raw cannabis flower. You might ask why. But the reason is not far-fetched. It is simply  that the cannabis flower contains no psychoactive component in its raw or unheated form. It contains a high concentration of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), terpenes, and other acidic cannabinoids, but no psychoactive component. 

In this state, we can refer to it as THCA flower. The reason for its non-psychoactivity stems from its chemical structure. THCA contains a carboxylic acid group at the end of its molecular structure. This extra group prevents it from binding to the CB1 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. It is only after it has undergone decarboxylation before it transforms to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

To put things into context, decarboxylation is a process of losing a carboxylic acid group  upon exposure to heat. This is why when you heat, vape, or smoke the flower, it leads to psychoactive effects.

How THCA Flower Works

Just like every other cannabinoid, THCA works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system  (ECS) is a regulatory network in the human body. It consists of three components:

  • Endocannabinoids: These are naturally occurring cannabinoids that the body produces.

  • Enzymes break down the endocannabinoids

  • CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are found in the brain. Activating them triggers psychoactivity in the brain. On the other hand, CB2 receptors are located in the peripheral tissues. They regulate immune responses and inflammation.

When you consume THCA, the cannabinoid begins to work by interacting with the ECS. Unlike THC, THCA will not directly bind to the CB1 receptor due to its chemical structure. However, it activates the CB2 receptor which is demonstrated throughout the body in the immune cells, peripheral tissues, and gastrointestinal. Activating it triggers neurotransmitters to help you to feel better.

Potential Benefits of THCA Flower

Now back to the million dollar question – how can THCA flower help me? Here are some potential benefits of THCA flower. 

Pain Relieving Effect

THCA has analgesic properties. This means it can provide relief for pain. It does it through its interaction with the receptors. The resulting effect suppresses the action of nerve pathways that transmit pain signals to the brain – so you feel pain less. 

You can also use THCA to ease muscle spasms and tension. This is great for people who engage in intense physical activity. The muscle-relaxing properties help the body to relax and recuperate. 

Anti-inflammatory Effects

If you suffer from inflammatory conditions, you could employ THCA flowers to reduce the inflammation. THCA activates the CB2 receptors to suppress the release of pro-inflammatory molecules. This provides anti-inflammatory action that alleviates pain caused by arthritis, lupus, and other inflammatory disorders.

Neuroprotective Effects

It protects the brain.THCA has proven useful for the treatment of neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s. A study published in the National Library of Medicine showed that THCA eliminates free radicals in the brain, reducing the risk for neurodegenerative diseases.


It can alleviate your nausea. If you suffer from nausea, maybe due to chemotherapy or motion sickness, THCA can help you get much-needed relief. Its effect on the ECS suppresses the signals that trigger vomiting. 

Appetite Stimulation

Need to eat more? Then eat THCA flowers. THCA causes an increased production of ghrelin, also known as the “feel-hungry” hormone. This causes an increased sensation of hunger. As a result, you eat more. Its anti-nausea effects also combine to help you to keep food down.

Consuming THCA Flower

You can consume THCA flowers through various methods. For starters, you could eat them raw; put them into your diet, or juice them into smoothies. You can also get packaged THCA products like supplements, which come in pill form, or tinctures, which you apply under your tongue. There are also THCA topical products that you can rub on your skin.

Regardless of any method of consumption you choose, you should note that THCA’s effect and potential benefits vary from person to person. It takes a bit of trial and error to find out how it can work on you. 
