Is Manchester the Next Fashion Capital? Inside the Rise of SKITZ



Is Manchester the Next Fashion Capital? Manchester, in regards to fashion, especially street fashion, has started to make noise, and people are noticing Manchester style. From clothing brands like CLINT to SKITZO, we are starting to gain further insight into Manchester's style and the people behind it.

In order to further understand the Manchester fashion scene and what makes it so special, as well as the people and their art, I got the chance to speak to the owner of the clothing brand SKITZO. In speaking to him, I was reminded that the people of Manchester deal with what they have, focusing on themselves and home. We don’t look too far; instead, we focus on home, and eventually, the people come. It’s a city where you come and fit our mode.

Muli Simpasa, wo what is SKITZO? 

I would say SKITZO is what you make it! I work with the philosophy that SKITZO is a reflection of self and society. From all the details I put on garments, the ideas behind the brand always have meaning and purpose. SKITZO steams from expressing self, to being the best version of self through clothing.

From seeing where SKITZO started to now, you wonder who are the people behind this movement. What does it really take to get a clothing brand to this point? 

Me, myself, and I! I run most of the things behind the brand, I do work with many creatives depending on the project. I have luckily been able to build a great community to work with many talented people from photographers to designers and stylists.

With the amount of work that goes into setting up a clothing brand, you beg the question why set it up? 

SKITZO came about from a lot of self-reflection and my searching within myself. Again I wanted to push the best version of self and I believe that can come through clothing, the feeling of identity, and how clothing can help you express who you are. STIKZO was made in a bedroom in Bradford but the idea I believe always existed in my mind. I just had to unlock this treasure.

With SKITZO having such a strong background and coming from a place of expression, who is wearing SKITZO? 

Young expressive individuals! Pushing for greatness! We’ve also had many celebs from Lil Baby, Jorjia Smith, Davido, Chris Brown and more!! Many more on the way.

From seeing so many amazing pieces coming from STIKZO, I wonder what has been the creator's favorite piece to create, who is the favorite child? 

Such A difficult question, I have a love-hate relationship with my pieces. Currently, I would say hybrid denim bomber piece.

Not only does SKITZO bring noise to the fashion scene in Manchester, but they have also been able to create a sense of community within the Manchester people, especially for people that love clothes. I ask Muli the founder of SKITZO what does he think he has brought to Manchester with SKITZO.

Difficult question, I would say I hope we bring the notion of being the best version of self. The notion that I can do it too in whatever field. I hope SKITZO has brought something new and unique to the table.

So what is next for SKITZO? According to Muli, a runway. With seeing the version of SKITZO so far I’m only curious about what the show will be like but I’m sure not to be disappointed.

That's all from me, but from SKITZO and Muli….

Keep pushing for greatness! Don’t let this world dim your light, be the best version of yourself. Have patience and trust in the universe, we are all destined for more.
