5 Simple Ways to Reduce Cravings

Cravings lead to unhealthy eating patterns and weight gain.


We all have cravings throughout the day and week as our bodies adapt to the changing circumstances of our lives, but cravings lead to unhealthy eating patterns and weight gain - if only they could be controlled. The good news is, controlling craving is easier than you think. 

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness might be hard to master, but it’s easy to learn! All you need to do is bring your awareness to your thoughts and your emotions, don’t identify with anything, and simply watch as your inner world transforms. This is a powerful practice that can help you reduce cravings.

When you have a craving for food or substances, it’s because your body has been previously exposed to it and has switched on the reward mechanism. There is a powerful pull towards that sense of reward called craving, but you can intervene with your awareness and pacify it. 

Plan Your Meals 

Another excellent way to reduce your cravings and design the life you dream of is to plan your meals. Once again, your body learns what food and substances are and starts to crave them at specific times, but if you plan your meals, you take back control of what you eat and crave. 

Think about the things you like to eat and how much they contribute to your overall health. Obviously, you will want to plan in a lot more fruits and vegetables, but don’t give up on the treats completely; it’s also important to stay motivated, and you are in it for the long run.  

Talk to Experts 

When cravings become extreme, they turn into addictions. Addictions are cycles that are particularly hard to break and might require some additional assistance. That’s why there are professionals on hand to help, such as the professional staff at this drug rehab clinic. 

Sometimes it’s a good idea to talk to people who have extensive knowledge and experience of addictions. They are able to talk to you about your personal journey and give you advice and techniques that are most suitable to you; that is one of the best ways to kickstart recovery.  

Eat More Protein 

Protein is a superfood; not only does it repair your muscles and make you stronger and fitter, but it also suppresses your appetite, so you crave food less often. That’s also a happy effect of using protein shakes after a workout because it strengthens muscles and reduces appetite. 

To get the most out of your protein diet, make sure you eat plenty of protein in the morning before you start the day. Why not eat a high-protein-cooked breakfast with eggs, sausages, and tofu? Or start the day with a protein shake that takes the edge off your appetite for hours.    

Drink More Water 

Protein isn’t the only way you can reduce the effects of craving as well as your weight. If you want to avoid eating or you don’t have any protein foods in the house, drink a large glass of water instead. Often craving is not for food but for liquid, which also helps reduce your weight. 
