Simplest Ways to Consume CBD in 2022 and How They Differ

Which CBD product is right for you?


CBD oil is a hot commodity in the health and wellness world. Derived from cannabis plants, CBD oil is said to offer a variety of health benefits, from pain relief to anxiety reduction. But with all of the choices out there, how do you know which CBD product is right for you? In this blog post, we'll explore some of the simplest ways to consume CBD in 2022 and how they differ. Keep reading for more information!


One of the simplest methods of consuming CBD in 2022 is through the use of edibles. Edibles have long since been the preferred method of cannabis consumption for those who want to experience prolonged effects. This is the primary reason why many people choose edibles to consume CBD.

In addition to this, they are very simple to use since all you need to do is eat them. This is because CBD edibles are food items that have been infused with CBD. This means that regardless of your palate, you can find an edible that you will enjoy.

CBD Vaporizers

The next method of consuming CBD, which is also incredibly simple, and according to this Okanagan CBD shop healthier as well, is through the use of vaporizers. The great thing about this method is the fact that you don't need any special vaporizer. You can just get a regular vaporizer, the same that is used to consume nicotine juices.

One of the biggest benefits of using a regular vaporizer to consume CBD is the fact that all you need to do is fill the pod once it is empty and replace the pod once the coil has been used up. More than this, CBD vape juices come in a variety of different flavors.

Pills and Capsules

Another CBD consumption method that has become incredibly popular over the last few years is pills and capsules. Much like CBD edibles, pills and capsules have a very long duration of effects, and they can last for up to 10 hours.

Another reason why CBD pills and capsules have become so popular is that they allow for very accurate dosages. This makes them a greater consumption method for those who are looking to use CBD for medicinal purposes. In addition to this, if you are needing to consume large concentrations of CBD, pills, and capsules are the only ways that you will be able to do this.

Bongs and Joints

The next CBD consumption method on this list, which is also relatively simple and easy to use, are bongs and joints. You might be wondering how you could consume CBD using a bong or a joint? Well, this is entirely possible since you can purchase CBD hemp flowers. Just as you can buy weed in Duncan, for example, you can also buy dry CBD flower that looks like cannabis, except it does not contain any THC. This is a great option for those who are already consuming cannabis and would just like to up their concentration of CBD consumption.

Dry Herb Vaporizers

Similarly, if you like the idea of consuming CBD hemp flowers but you don't want to use bongs or joints since they use combustion as the heating method, then dry herb vaporizers are a great choice too. With dry herb vaporizers, you can still consume CBD hemp flower if you set it at a temperature that isn't too hot.

In addition to this, dry herb vaporizers are a good choice since, as mentioned, they don't use combustion, which means that no harmful carcinogens or toxins are created. They're also a really good choice if you are someone who likes to consume on the go.


Finally, perhaps one of the easiest methods of consuming CBD in 2022 is by using topicals. CBD topicals are creams that can be applied directly to the skin. The reason that this consumption method has become popular is that it is very effective at treating pain.

Only need to use CBD. Topical is to apply the topical directly to the area which is experiencing pain and wait for the effects to kick in. It usually takes around 5 minutes for the effects to be felt, although they only last around two hours, so you will need to reapply.
