Selena Gomez Breaks Instagram With Super-Cute 25th Birthday Pics
But where was The Weeknd?
There's two ways your 25th birthday bash can go: party of the (quarter) century or low key do with your favorite people. Rather than waking up yesterday morning with a full face of make-up and a half a margherita pizza stuck to her pillow, Selena Gomez opted for an Instagram-friendly Saturday evening affair: a little L.A house party, complete with balloons, cake and gifts.
The fittingly fetish-themed neon decor was designed by cool-girl creative and all-around babe, Petra Collins, fresh from their sultry music video collab earlier this month. Selena shared three gorgeous candlelit pics from the evening, wearing what looks like pajamas, racking up over 14.5 million likes from her diehard Insta fans. She also did an Instagram live session to thank them all for the birthday love and confirmed that her boyfriend, The Weeknd, was flying into L.A to join the celebrations.