5 Reasons Why You Should Join a Student Organization
A student organization is a group of college students who achieve a common goal.
Admission into college is one of the most defining phases of one’s life because that is when one starts on a path that defines the direction and trajectory of one’s future. Students have to navigate through hordes of academic activities: term papers, assignments, essays, seminars, projects, and of course, examinations. So, it could be challenging to become a member of the national honor society even with a great essay but without the right tips.
That said, college life is not all about rigorous academic study. That is why there are also tons of extracurricular activities designed to create fully rounded individuals that can seamlessly fit into society and lead a positively impactful life there.
But that’s the thing. Most college students fail to balance these two aspects of college life. And that’s where student organizations come in.
A student organization is a group of college students who achieve a common goal. Here are five reasons why you should join one.
You Get to Find Out More About Yourself
Joining a student organization takes you out of your comfort zone and into a space where you are forced to take a good look at yourself. This lets you discover things about yourself that you probably didn't know about, like your strengths, passions, weaknesses, talents, and what it means to live for a cause bigger than you.
It is, in essence, a surefire way to clarify your purpose in life while getting a clearer perspective of the world as it is. Self-discovery is critical in life, and where else can one get a chance to develop one's personal goals and aspirations than in an organization of like-minded individuals?
Have you ever wondered how Henrique Bertulino manages to juggle a thriving medical practice and a career as a medical and biology expert at Studybay? He discovered himself sometime in college and applied himself accordingly. You could, too!
It Gives You a Productive Break
At the beginning of this article, we mentioned the importance of balancing academic study with extracurricular activities, right? Well, a student organization, for example, the National Honor Society, gives ample opportunity to do just that. There is absolutely no way to study all day all week effectively.
You'd need some time to cool. And while playing billiards or your favorite game on a PS5, bar crawling, or just chilling on Netflix is fantastic, there is a more productive way to take a break from your essay papers and books.
There are loads of off and on-campus activities that student organizations organize. While there is the social side to these things, you also get to learn important stuff about your area of study or something else of values. Then there is the experience to be gained from participating in such events.
So it is a win-win situation for you. It is like killing several birds with a stone. You get to take your mind off the rigor of academics while adding some value to yourself.
It Offers Great Networking Opportunities
Imagine what life would be like if you had to go through it alone? No friends, family, or colleagues. Just you by your lonesome, tackling all the hurdles that life throws at you. You'd agree that it would be a dreary life to lead and entirely unproductive.
You see, we all need a network of people that have similar interests and goals if we are to be at our best in life. Becoming part of a student organization allows you to get in touch with people from various backgrounds going in the same direction.
With the right network, your career path would be a lot easier to walk by because you’d always meet people who give you valuable tips on how to make the most of the journey.
A student organization such as NHS allows you to network with the right people who will help you get into as many doors as you need to get through in the future.
It Boosts Your Resume
One of the things fresh graduates struggle with is presenting an irresistible resume at the interviews that they get called for. It can be challenging to have a great resume when you have minimal working experience and all the other things that could catch the eye of recruiters.
That's a fact. But did you know that being an active member of the correct student organization gives you a chance? All you need to do is list all the non-academic activities that you engaged in as a student. Particularly those that support your case, and you are good to go.
Being active in student organizations builds a certain level of competence in you, which recruiters are looking for. Plus, it lets them know that you are the type of person constantly looking to add value to themselves and others. Most companies are always looking for those kinds of individuals, and so you will be in pole position to get hired should you be able to convince them of the value you would be bringing to the table. Working experience or not!
You Get to Learn Key Soft Skills
When you become part of a student organization, you learn several soft skills that will help you in the future:
- Your communication skills will improve even if you are the shyest person in the room.
- You develop networking skills and the emotional intelligence key to living productively today.
- You learn to be a team player since you'd be working with many people.
- You get to learn how to lead a group of different and potentially tricky people.
All of these skills come in handy at one point or the other in life, and sometime in the future, you will be mighty proud of your decision to join a student organization.
These are just a few of the benefits of joining a student organization. There are a whole lot more reasons why you should join one. But guess what?
These five reasons are more than enough to become part of a student organization that will help you get closer to your dreams.
So what are you waiting for!
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