Reaching Out To Myself! Making Yourself Happier When You’re Down

The gift of comfort.


Everybody feels that they could do with a pick-me-up sometimes. When we're going through difficult times, such as right now, it can feel impossible to bring ourselves out of the doldrums. You may be craving a calm life right now, or you may feel that there's nothing to look forward to. And the best gift we can give ourselves in these moments is the gift of comfort. What does it take to feel better about ourselves, especially when we are struggling

Splashing Out on Ourselves

From luxury pilot watches to that dress we’ve lusted after for so long, we can feel that we aren't worth splurging on. But when we decide that, if our finances are ok, we deserve that little treat, we should go for it. And the fact is that if we give ourselves a little treat, it gives us a boost. There is a lot to be said about the dangers of being a shopaholic or indulging in retail therapy, but when we are giving ourselves a real treat that we have been wanting for a long time, it's a very simple message to ourselves that we are worth it. 

Indulge in a “Duvet Day”

Something that we need to get ourselves the license to do. A duvet day is giving yourself permission to say that you're not able to handle the day. Taking those opportunities to lay back, relax, and just do nothing apart from lying in bed and watch box sets is a fantastic approach to rejuvenating yourself. We live in a world where we feel we've got to keep going. And when we feel pretty terrible about ourselves, it's about giving ourselves the permission to not feel ok.

Talk to Someone

A problem shared is always a problem halved. When we are feeling pretty bad about ourselves, we can feel that we don't want to burden others, but you must remember that when we get our thoughts out, it gives us more perspective on the situation. If you feel like you can't speak to somebody, there is always the benefit of doing what they call a brain dump. Having a notebook by the side of your bed and writing down any of these realms and thoughts at the end of the day, or whenever you feel like it, will give you the opportunity to see what you've written, and either make sense of it or dismiss it as irrelevant thoughts. Either way, you've done something incredibly cathartic.

Eat That Ice Cream!

Going back to that idea of giving yourself a gift, when we have those days where we feel we just need to take a step back from everything, these are the perfect opportunities in life to indulge yourselves. The important thing to remember is that you can allow yourself these treat days, but make sure they don't become a habit. 

It's never easy when we feel that we don't have anything to give to the world. Sometimes, when we are reaching out for help, the best help can be about truly indulging ourselves.
