What’s Inside Mirta Miler's Vanity?
The TikTok beauty sensation talks about everything from how she got into make-up to her tips for beginners.
If you are on TikTok, you have probably seen a redheaded Mirta Miler's by the name of @mimiermakeup. No stranger to the platform, Miler joined the app in 2019 and since then has been everywhere from transforming into Uma Thurman's character in Quentin Tarantino's ‘‘Pulp Fiction’’ to Pat McGrath's Margiela porcelain doll look. Now, lip-syncing to songs while applying make-up products — always resulting in glamorous looks — has led the beauty creator to amass 18.6 million followers, proving she is a leading figure in the beauty world. Below, FIZZY MAG talks to the content creator about everything from how she got into make-up to her tips for beginners.
Mirta, can you share a little bit about your background before becoming a make-up content creator?
Before I became a full-time content creator, I worked office jobs while pursuing my master’s degree in business and finance. I was studying business analysis and planning, and I was really passionate about landing a job in marketing, which was my last job before content creation became my full-time career.
I’ve always loved doing makeup; it was a hobby for me, something I’d do after work to unwind and have some me-time. It was really relaxing. I actually filmed videos for two years consistently before I even considered turning it into a full-time career. I feel so blessed that I was able to turn something I enjoyed as a hobby into something that can actually be considered a career today.
How did you first get into make-up and beauty content creation? Was there a specific moment or inspiration that led you to start your YouTube channel?
I got into makeup pretty early in life, starting in elementary school because I loved it. I was drawn to the transformational aspect of makeup and how you could express yourself in your own unique way. I would film little videos of myself doing makeup in high school, but I never posted them because I didn’t think anyone would be interested. I just did it for myself because it brought me joy.
Then, one day when I was 21, I decided to start posting my looks on Instagram as pictures, and it slowly evolved into videos as TikTok gained popularity. After a few years on TikTok and Instagram, I decided to launch my YouTube channel and post videos there. The whole journey of content creation has been really exciting for me.
Who or what has been your biggest influence in the make-up industry?
In my opinion, one of the most influential figures in the makeup industry is NikkieTutorials. I’ve always loved her videos and have been watching her since I was very young. As a fellow European, I’ve found her incredibly inspiring, especially when I started taking makeup more seriously. She showed me that you can reach a global audience even if you’re not an American content creator, which was something I found very motivating early on. I still absolutely love her and am so proud of everything she’s accomplished in her career and within the makeup industry.
What were some of the challenges you faced when starting out as a content creator, and how did you overcome them?
When I first started as a content creator, one of the biggest challenges was dealing with unsolicited opinions and hateful comments from strangers. It’s something you can’t fully prepare for until it happens, but I managed to handle it fairly quickly.
Another significant challenge was posting content in English while being from Croatia. I received a lot of criticism from Croatian and Balkan audiences, questioning why I was creating content in English and asking, “Who do you think you are?”
Those comments did affect me at first, but I knew my content was meant for a broader audience. Being a very Americanized individual with a different perspective from many people in my area, I stayed true to my vision. I’m proud that I was able to connect with a global audience and share my content on a larger scale.
How do you come up with new ideas for make-up content? Do you follow trends, or do you try to set your own?
I usually come up with content ideas on the day I’m filming because I like to stay in touch with current trends and draw inspiration from what others in the community are doing. As my content evolves, so do my ideas, so the sources of my inspiration vary from day to day.
How has your content evolved over the years? Are there any changes you made that significantly impacted your channel’s success?
I feel like I’ve changed my content a lot over the years. I started with videos that were mostly visually focused and slowly transitioned to content that’s more about communicating and connecting with my audience by speaking and showing more of my personality. Honestly, I think I’m a personality-based content creator, which means that what I enjoy most is showing my personality and connecting with my audience through shared experiences, rather than focusing solely on the visual presentation of the content, as is common in a lot of makeup content.
The biggest impact on my channel’s success was incorporating my personality into my content, and I feel like that’s what really helped my channel grow.
What is the most rewarding part of being a YouTuber and content creator in the beauty niche?
The most rewarding part of being a content creator, I think in any niche, is actually meeting someone who regularly watches your content in real life. It always makes me feel so blessed and emotional because it means my audience views this relationship the same way I do — as a beautiful friendship with people you’ve never really met. One thing that’s unique about the beauty niche, and really rewarding, is that you get to express yourself through makeup, hair, and other beauty-related things. For me, this has always been such an important way to express myself, and I really want to help people feel comfortable expressing themselves in this way too.
What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out on YouTube, especially in the beauty space?
My advice for someone just starting on any platform is not to focus on making it your career. You really have to love it and enjoy it — nothing good ever comes from putting a price tag on it. Don’t spend days and hours looking for niches or ways to trick people into following you. People who love you, your personality, and your content will follow you regardless of what strategy you use. Just be yourself because that’s the most unique niche you’ll ever find. Relax, enjoy the process, and never be afraid to try new things.
What make-up looks do you think are timeless, and which ones do you feel are volatile trends?
I think timeless makeup looks are definitely those that involve any type of smokey eyeshadow and gel liner combination. It’s a really versatile look that suits most eye colors and complexions. One trend that seems to come and go throughout history in makeup is how much blush we use. As we’ve seen, blush tends to go in and out of style over time. Other trends that come and go include colorful eyeshadows, bold face makeup, and more. One thing you can never go wrong with, though, is a good red lipstick or a sharp eyeliner.
What's essential in your vanity bag?
One thing I can’t go anywhere without is my SPF cream or a simple BB cream because I think, on most days, our beautiful faces don’t need more than that. Another thing I always try to have in my vanity bag is a good lip oil or lip moisturizer. To be honest, I have a pet peeve for dry lips. Since makeup is basically my job, I also always carry a good brow product, whether it’s a gel or something to tint your eyebrows, and a good mascara for daily use. If I’m not recording videos, I don’t use much more.
If you could only live with 3 make-up products, what would they be?
It would definitely be Misura lip, moisturizer, and blush.
What is the one beauty product that you’ve discovered recently that has totally transformed your makeup routine?
A beauty product that really changed my complexion and makeup game in the last couple of months is the Heimish BB cream. I absolutely love this product and I honestly don’t go anywhere without it.
Do you have a specific item that might be unexpected or unique that you always keep in your vanity?
This is probably weird to keep in your vanity, but if I have a really random zit or pimple, I like to keep toothpaste in my vanity, because nothing will get rid of that pimple, like toothpaste. I know that a lot of people will think this is weird, but it will literally get rid of your pimples within an hour. If I see a pimple or something, I like to put a little bit of toothpaste on it and return in an hour, or do other parts of my makeup while it dries on my face, and it will make the pimple disappear.
Besides make-up, are you also passionate about skincare?
I have become increasingly passionate about skincare in the last five years. When I was younger, I didn’t really take good care of my skin, but in the last five or six years, I really try to stick to a five-step skincare routine every night. I try to keep it simple and not change my products too much, which I think a lot of people do and that is a common skincare mistake. I always get questions about my skincare and it’s all about staying loyal to a couple of products that your skin loves.
What are your favorite products? And how do you organize your skincare routine?
I always stick to the same skincare routine, which goes as follows: first, I use a balm or an oily cleanser, which helps remove most of my makeup. This is especially important for getting rid of stubborn eye makeup. After that, I go in with a face wash that’s more gentle, which helps wash off the balm or oily cleanser. Then, I follow up with a toner. I’ve been using a gentle liquid toner lately, along with toner pads.
I switch between two serums during the week — one with retinol and one with vitamin C. After the serums, I always follow up with a good moisturizer and eye cream. Never forget your neck and lips! They can get a little dry overnight, so I’ve found it super important to put Vaseline or a nourishing lip oil on before you sleep.
What’s your daily go-to makeup routine like?
My daily go-to makeup routine is SPF, BB cream or lightweight foundation, brow gel, and sometimes I like to fill in my brows as well. I usually use a lip and cheek stain because it’s a versatile product that looks very natural.
On a daily basis, I like to apply mascara, and most days, I add a little bit of fake freckles because I think they look really cute. It’s something I don’t think I’ll stop doing anytime soon. In the end, I always like to finish with some setting spray and setting powder in my T-zone and areas where I tend to get oily.
What are the trends in makeup or beauty products that you’re loving right now?
Makeup trends that I am loving at the moment are lip stains because I think it’s a very good product that will last you a couple of hours. I have also been loving B blindness. I feel like it looks adorable.
What’s the most common makeup mistake you see people making, and how can it be fixed?
I think the most common makeup mistake people make is using the wrong complexion products — the wrong shades or the wrong consistency for their skin. Picking the right foundation, concealer, and other complexion products is the most important part of your makeup routine since it covers most of your face and can drastically affect how your overall makeup looks. This can easily be fixed by trying different products or consulting professionals in stores who can give you great advice on which products suit your skin best.
How do you ensure your vanity stays organized and clutter-free, especially with the constant influx of new products?
To be perfectly honest, I absolutely do not ensure my vanity stays clutter-free, lol. Since I’m always doing makeup, there’s always something to organize, and on some days, I just let it marinate because I’ll be using the same products the next day. It’s not the end of the world if you leave your products out for a day or two.
That said, I think it’s important to organize your products at least on a weekly basis so it doesn’t become overwhelming. Especially as a makeup creator, and since this is my job, I try to give away as much makeup as I can to ensure I’m not holding onto products I’ll never use or that could expire. I feel very happy and blessed to give makeup to my family and friends whenever I can. They always know I’m coming with a little present for them.
Are there any items in your vanity that you keep for sentimental reasons or memories, even if they’re not in regular use?
There are definitely items in my vanity that I keep for sentimental reasons, like my first palettes that I bought with the money I earned from my first office job. I really loved colorful makeup palettes at the time, and I would spend my last dollar to get the newest Anastasia Beverly Hills palettes because they truly made me happy. I’ll never get rid of these palettes, even though I’ll probably never use them again since they’re expired. Things like that really make me emotional and remind me how far I’ve come on this journey.
Is there a product that you’ve purchased multiple times because it’s just that good? What is it and why do you keep coming back to it?
One of the products I think I have purchased the most is the Clinique black honey lipstick, since you can use it as blush as well and I absolutely love the shade. Also, the clinic cleansing balm. Nothing comes close. One of my most purchased items is also the urban decay setting spray. Honorable mention to Anastasia Beverly Hills brow products. I always find myself re-purchasing pencils and brow fillers because they’re just that good.
How do you decide when to retire a product from your vanity? Are there any signs that tell you it’s time to part with something?
I know it’s time to retire a product from my vanity when I realize I haven’t used it in at least six months. I go through little phases where I’ll use just a couple of products, but if there’s a long period where a product hasn’t been used, I’ll either give it to someone or check the expiry date and get rid of it.
Have you ever rediscovered an old product from your vanity that you thought you'd forgotten about but now love again?
I’ve definitely rediscovered products. Since I have so many, sometimes I forget how much I love something, and then I use it again and fall in love with it all over again. This happened to me with the Haus Labs foundation. I was mesmerized by this foundation when I first bought it, but then I completely forgot I had it because I use so many different foundations. I recently used it again and thought, “Where has this been all this time, and why haven’t I been using it?” This definitely happens most with foundations and complexion products.
Do you have any tips for beginners who may be intimidated by makeup, but want to start experimenting?
If you’re a beginner in makeup, I would suggest doing your makeup before you shower, also known as pre-shower makeup. This means doing your makeup when you're not expected to go anywhere, just so you can have fun and really experiment with different products and styles. It’s all about finding what suits you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or not look perfect. In the beginning, you’ll slowly get the hang of things and discover what works best for you.
How has your audience shaped your content or your approach to makeup?
I feel like, over the years, there have been different expectations for my makeup content and what my followers expect me to present makeup-wise. At first, I was doing elaborate makeup drawings on my face, and then over time, it evolved into makeup transformations and glamorous looks. I’ve definitely found myself in a rut a few times, but I always try to push myself to do something fun and colorful at least every couple of weeks to rediscover my love for unique and expressive makeup.
Do you ever face criticism or negative feedback online? If so, how do you handle it?
I do sometimes face criticism or negative feedback, but I’ve personally become OK with that as part of this job. Sometimes, criticism isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it can be a chance to reflect on yourself, your actions, and what you can learn from it. Sometimes we’re wrong, and sometimes we don’t know the best thing to do. We’re human, and I think having input from different sides can be beneficial for you as a content creator.
Of course, this doesn’t apply to hateful comments that are made with ill intent. I tend to view people who leave very mean, hateful comments as individuals who are missing something in their own lives. If leaving this negative comment on my video brings them some form of relief, I’m OK with that. It’s always important to know who you are so that these comments don’t break through your barrier of self-confidence.
What has been the most meaningful or memorable comment or message you’ve received from a viewer?
I’ve received a lot of meaningful messages from people, but one in particular really touched me. One of my female followers messaged me to say that I inspired her to change her life and quit her job to start her own business. She said it meant a lot to her and completely changed her life. To have that kind of impact on someone’s life is truly indescribable, and it still gives me chills to this day. I feel incredibly blessed and lucky to have the privilege of positively affecting people’s lives.
What are some of your future goals as a content creator and makeup artist? Do you have any exciting projects or collaborations in the works?
As a content creator, I really want to create more long-form content because I feel that’s where my true personality can really shine, and people can see the real me. I’m excited to connect with more people through longer content. Honestly, I’m really looking forward to starting this new chapter in my content creation career. It may be a bit of a different direction than what people might expect, but I believe it’s the path that will allow me to stay true to myself. I’m confident that people will see the positive impact I want to create with this type of inspirational content.
Where do you see the beauty industry heading in the next 5 years, and how do you plan to adapt to those changes?
I feel like the beauty industry is constantly evolving, and since I’m such a passionate makeup and beauty lover, I plan on adapting to it and keeping up with the times. This is something I truly love doing, so I don’t see myself straying from it anytime soon. I believe makeup looks are going to become even more expressive in the next few years, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for us.
How do you balance your personal life and being a content creator, especially when it comes to your mental health and well-being?
Honestly, this has been the biggest challenge for me over the last five years, as I never really took the time to take care of my mental health and well-being. I overworked myself and burned out, and that led to a huge creator block, which made me doubt myself in many ways—something a lot of content creators experience.
Over the past year, I really took a step back to reflect on everything I’ve accomplished, feel proud of it, and allow myself to breathe for a minute. I gave myself the chance to live, focus on my health, and get into fitness. After five years, I feel like I’m finally starting to find the balance between content creation and my personal life. I’m really excited about the new wave of inspiration I’m going to gain from giving myself permission to relax and enjoy my peace.
What advice would you give to someone looking to build a personal brand while staying authentic to themselves?
The best advice I can give to someone looking to build a personal brand while staying authentic is to not try to mimic anyone else. Take the time to sit with yourself, discover who you are, and learn to love who you are before presenting it to the world. When you love every part of yourself and embrace your personality, you will naturally exude that confidence, and others will be drawn to you for loving yourself. True inspiration and self-love start from within, not from a goal you’re trying to achieve. The direction you begin from is the most important part. Starting with your heart, soul, and passion is the best way forward. I hope that’s helpful.
Give Mirta a follow on Instagram @mimiermakeup and on TikTok and subscribe to her YouTube channel.