What’s Trending in Men’s Swimwear Right Now?

Solids, geometrics, slim fits - must-try styles.


Finding trends in men’s swimwear is not the difficult part, because the real difficult bit is finding out what works out of everything that is indeed trending. Keeping enough room aside for personal choices, here are five key fashion choices in men’s swimwear right now that are both trending and working.


Solids are trending in men's designer swim briefs right now, with no particular focus on any particular color or shade. Darker shades are generally preferred by men for their practicality on the beach or by the poolside, but wearing a pair of men’s designer swim briefs in a brighter shade will not make you look outdated either.

Matte Finish

Vibrant colors and sunny, tropical designs always seem to be in perfect alignment with the whole theme of relaxation, sunshine, and summer months. So, it’s curious to see that more men are preferring swim trunks with a matte finish this time around. That is not to say that flowers, palm trees, birds, and colors are out of trend by any means. It’s just that a matte finish seems to work best on any swimwear for men this year.

Smaller Prints

We just discussed how the palm trees, flowers, and birds are just as popular as ever in men’s swimwear, which is very much a fact. However, the hottest trends in men’s swimwear indicate a growing interest in smaller prints. While the general fondness towards summer-friendly designs have remained almost the same, more men are wearing them in smaller prints than before. 

Image via Imstagram @masonsbriggs

Geometric Patterns

From mysterious tattoos to men’s briefs, geometric patterns have consistently managed to grow in their popularity since the 60s. Therefore, the current popularity of geometric patterns on men’s swimwear does not come as a real surprise. There are subtle differences every time geometric prints get into the popular fashion trend though, and this year is no exception. It seems that small and smooth geometric shapes without any sharp angles are working quite well for men this time around.

Slim Fits and Three-Quarter Trunks

Baggy/relaxed fit shorts are in better taste than tight fitting ones, as long as you plan to stay by the beach or around the pool. However, if you are thinking about swimming and/or diving a lot, you will need those tight fitting swimming briefs for sure. They don’t necessarily have to be too short though, because slim fitting, stretchable three-quarter swimming trunks are currently hot in men’s swimwear this year.

As long as it isn’t too hot to wear three-quarter pants instead of shorts, you should be able to carry off the slim fit without a hitch. Be a bit cautious while choosing the material and your next pair of three-quarter swimming trunks could be just as trendy on the beach as they would be while you swim and dive.

Finally, we need to discuss military print, aka the camouflage patterns that are still popular among men in general. Typically, camouflage print comes in different color schemes of blue-green-brown-black-beige combinations. What is trending in men's designer swim briefs, shorts, and three-quarters this time is quite the opposite.

The new and trendy designs are still easily recognizable as camo prints, just not in the same classic color schemes we generally associate with the military. For example, the red-black-grey-white combination is quite popular now, but it is clearly not meant to be camouflaging anything due to the choice of vibrant color schemes. It’s a clever twist to the whole design this year in men’s swimwear and it seems to be working quite well so far.
