7 Magic Habits For Success
If you want to be the next Sarah Jessica Parker or Bill Gates - read now!
"Why does success always seem so hard and so damn far away?" No. Stop. Right. There. Success doesn't come to those who are just chilling! We hate to break it to you, but success comes from consistent hard work. This doesn't have to mean only the 9-5 office job. Implement these small yet extremely effective habits into your routine and prosper as an individual. You might not think it, but Bill Gates, Sarah Jessica Parker, Elon Musk, Rihanna, Tom Cruise (you get our point) all strived for success even in moments of doubt and danger. We're 99.9% positive they enriched their journeys to success with these steps...
Make your strategy visual. The power of visualizing will increase your confidence and help you believe that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Create a vision board or write down your goals frequently on paper - make them tangible and see change. Romanticise your life and it will become your fantasy!
Challenge yourself
No one reaches that goal by chilling in their comfort zone, (yes, we're talking to you). Progress is made through pushing yourself and persevering through the struggle. So don’t get too confident... a tough challenge is fab!
To-do lists will become your BFF. Take control of your mess by making it an organized mess. As sad as it sounds, there are few satisfactions that will top checking off that task, no matter how small. Motivate yourself and get that feeling of embarrassing pride when you finish it and mark a big fat tick at the end of the job. Organization leads to domination!
Seek Passion
The first principle - do what you love. Follow your passion and you will attract success. It seems SO obvious, but most people admit to not absolutely loving their job! It’s definitely not always about bringing home the biggest paycheck. Success can be defined by your levels of happiness. Passion is so important; this way you are more inclined to work towards self-improvement and will work harder to achieve your goals.
And no self-care does not mean being kind to yourself by chillaxing in your PJs all day (which is obviously amazing), but it hinders productivity without you even realizing, even if you are comfy as hell! Self-care is of utmost importance coming out of this pandemic, our anxieties and stresses have increased two-fold, so take the time to reconnect with yourself and create opportunities for breakthroughs. Yes, getting out of your pyjamas is considered a breakthrough!
Eliminate Toxicity
Negative energy? Feeling drained? Cut it out. (Oo, sounds harsh doesn't it) BUT, if someone or something isn’t bringing a positive impact into your life, why are you letting them be in it? Prioritizing yourself and protecting your own energy is imperative to your happiness and success. YOU are the main character!
Like Justin Bieber said, 'BELIEVE'. If you don’t believe in yourself, you render all the habits above useless! Have faith in your own abilities, ignore negativity and self-doubt and you will be well on your way to success.