Look At This Pussy: The Instagram Proof That Vulvas Are Everywhere

It's not just your dirty mind.


Have you ever walked down the street and been stopped in your tracks by a tree trunk? There, right before your eyes, is an accurate depiction of a vulva, perfectly sculpted by nature – who knows? Perhaps you're even looking at Mother Nature's very own vag. After spending way too long, thumb and index finger stroking your chin as if you had a silky beard, ostensibly staring at the base of a tree, you return to your initial path, but something within you has changed forever. Everywhere you go, you just can't un-see the pussy.

Turns out you're not alone. “Almost nothing is not a pussy” Instagram Look At This Pussy is about to become your new obsession, proving that anything from an embroidery of the Virgin Mary to a fucking jam sandwich can resemble a vulva, if you look at it with the right eyes.

The account was born out of an in-joke. Eva Sealove and Chelsea Jones enjoyed texting each other pictures of things they thought looked like pussies until they eventually set up the Instagram in 2014. Now it has accumulated 172 thousand passionate followers, many of whom love to get in on the pussy action by sending in their own submissions.

Of course, Look At This Pussy has grown into something much deeper than just a bit of fun: a hilariously packaged metaphor for the variety of shapes and sizes of human vulvae – which, in the age of trending labiaplasty surgery, is an incredibly encouraging message.

“One of the main goals of this project is to normalize and de-shame the vulva. I think people with vulvas are taught to hate them, to internalize a lot of other people’s sh*t and shame. I think that’s bullsh*t. So one of the main goals with this project is to just collect and archive tons of different variations of vulva-shaped yonic objects, and to show them and display them all alongside one another, to kind of chart difference and sameness in this way,” says Sealove to Teen Vogue



