Life Skills Every Women Should Have

Amazing confidence boosters. 


One of the best things about growing up is realizing that we can now do things that only older people could do and that you can do it well. As women grow older, we keep adding more life skills to our personalities. While each of these skills, on their own, might not seem significant, but added together, they are amazing confidence boosters. 

Maintain Your Accounts

Learn how to properly track your expenses and file your tax returns. Plan for your retirement, invest your money wisely and know how to work the stock market in your favor. Be responsible with your money and for your own financial well-being. 

Basic DIY

Learn to make some basic home repairs on your own, to save money and be more independent. Some things do need a professional, but with help from YouTube guides or your Dad, you can learn to do things like cleaning gutters, replacing faucets, and troubleshooting a washing machine that won't stop filling. Another important skill is knowing when a task is better left to the professionals. 

Read A Legal Contract And Understand it Before Signing

It’s often tempting to sign documents without reading the fine print. Trust is important, but so is discrimination with intelligence. Make sure you carefully go through anything you sign, paying attention to the details. Hammer out any clauses that give you concern. 

Learn To Change A Car Tyre If You Drive A Car

Understand the basics of car repair. You’ll be grateful if you are ever stuck with a misbehaving car in the middle of nowhere. Have someone teach you and practice until you are good at it. It is a skill that will always come in handy. It’s also useful if you know how to change your own oil, jump the car battery, and work safely under the hood of your car.

Know Basic Self-Defense

Learn the soft spots to attack someone who is attacking you. These are the groin, the throat, the eyes, and the solar plexus. Know how to use the things that are already in your purse to defend yourself, such as your car keys or your nail file. Be careful carrying something specifically for self-defense, as it could be used against you. Take a self-defense course or train in a martial art. This will make you fitter and feel more confident and will give you the knowledge to tackle unpleasant situations. 

Create Your Own Signature Dish

When you have people over, it’s great to have at least one main course and one dessert that you know you can make perfectly. You will never dread inviting people over for dinner if you can do this. 

Learn How To Pack Efficiently 

Don’t overpack, no matter where you’re going and what the weather will be like. This will mean planning your outfits, optimizing the space in your bags, and learning to travel light. 

Perform CPR And The Heimlich Manoeuvre

You never know when you might need it, and you could save someone’s life. 
