Life Lessons From Online Dating With Nu-Date

Discover valuable life lessons from online dating experiences.


Meeting new people is fun. Who doesn’t love finding out all the details about a prospective partner, building that connection and, hopefully, more? Of course, not every match online is going to lead to a love affair for the ages but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a lot from our experiences.

Life Lessons From Online Dating

While it’s great to get to know people on a deeper level, getting to know yourself is even better. While not every online interaction will lead to a life-changing relationship, there are always lessons to be gathered from any interaction.

One of the great things about online dating platform nu is that there are lots of opportunities. Some of them will be chances to date, some of them will be chances to learn.

Online Dating Skills

Meeting people online and making the jump from text on a screen to real life connection takes a few practical skills. Luckily, these will develop like any other with a little practice and they can stand you in good stead outside the dating world too.

Hone Your Communication Skills

We could all do with a refresher on how to harness humanity’s greatest feature- communication. Shorn of our ability to coast on non-verbal cues and get by on looks alone, the onus is on us to let our linguistic skills develop.

With around 70% of communication in person taking the form of body language and tone, letting your words work for you can be a refreshing experience.

Knowing What You Want

Sometimes, we have a habit of tricking ourselves into wanting what we think we should want rather than what we do want. This leads people to settling and then wondering why they’re unhappy later in life (honestly, it’s a bit of a trope).

Having the ability to experiment, rather than relying on chance encounters, gives you the opportunity to get out there and find out what you really like. You’ve got options and, if it turns out you think you don’t like what you’ve found, it’s no biggie. Just say goodbye and unmatch with no comeback at all.

Here’s a little secret too: what you want can change. While you think you might have a ‘type’, what that represents can shift with experience. Getting out there and getting that experience can open all kinds of doors.

Persistence and Resilience

While we’d love to say that online dating is easy, we’d be lying. You’re going to get conversations that crumble, weirdos, people who say one thing and do another. With the whole of humanity at your fingertips, it’s inevitable that some of them will be awful. Have you met people?

The same can be said for relying on real-world connections too though. And those don’t even come with quite a wide selection of potentially great people. Stick with it, brush off the freaks, and eventually, you’ll hit success. Dating, like art, is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration after all.

Self Confidence

Hey, you initiated a conversation, charmed them into meeting you and it didn’t work out this time. Two out of three ain’t bad!

It takes a lot of courage to get out there and tell people you’re interested. It gets easier with practice though, so fake it ‘til you make it.

Personal Lessons

Every interaction with another person tells you as much about yourself as it does them. While you may not think of yourself as ‘funny’, them throwing their head back and roaring with laughter says otherwise. Dating gives us the opportunity to view ourselves through another lens and see what we like and don’t like about ourselves.

Whether it’s something deep and personal like a personality trait that shows itself in certain situations or just that that photo of yourself you really like attracts weirdos, there’s a lot you can take away from any date.

About Yourself: The Bad

If everyone is giving you the same feedback, it’s probably not them. It’s you.

Don’t view finding out why things didn’t work out as a negative. Without this feedback, how are you ever going to know what you’re doing wrong?

About Yourself: The Good

That goes just as much for the positive as the negative.

If everyone says they love something about you, that’s a huge ego boost and a useful lesson to boot. They’ve got nothing to gain from being dishonest and everything to lose, so they can probably be trusted on this one.

Conclusion: Be Open To Experiences

As with any process, the key is finding what works for you. Through a process of trial and error, you can gather valuable information about yourself, your skills and your wants that you can take back to the real world and make the changes you need.
