International Students Could Be Deported From The US

Just one more reason Miss ‘Rona sucks.


ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) have recently announced that international students studying in American universities will be forced to leave the country if their universities switch to online-only teaching, in light of the pandemic.

According to the ICE website, the news release specified that certain nonimmigrant students “may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States”. For students already enrolled in American programmes, if teaching transforms to “fully online for the fall semester”, they will not be issued visas nor allowed entry into USA.

This decision is detrimental for students who have not yet been able to return home due to the Corona crisis, as well as those who had plans for returning within a few months.

However, this might actually backfire against the American economy, as NAFSA has stated that international students at American colleges contributed $41 billion USD and supported over 450,000 US jobs in the space of one year.

The president of Harvard University, which will be online-only next year, Larry Bacow stated: “We are deeply concerned that the guidance issued today by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement imposes a blunt, one-size-fits-all approach to a complex problem giving international students, particularly those in online programs, few options beyond leaving the country or transferring schools.”


Next up, Malala Graduates From Oxford University
