Photo: Jonathan Borba

How To Turbo-Charge Your Fitness

Working out doesn’t give you free license to do whatever you want outside of the gym.


It’s all good and well deciding that you’re going to get fit and healthy, but having the intention is only the beginning. At some point, you need to actually make things happen! And alas, this is much more difficult than deciding to get into shape. One of the more frustrating things that people experience is that even though they’re visiting the gym, they’re just not seeing the kind of results that they’d like to see. In that case, it’ll be time to turbocharge your fitness. Take a read below to learn how! 

Cut Out the Junk

You might be spending plenty of time in the gym, but it’s important to remember that working out doesn’t give you free license to do whatever you want outside of the gym. It’s worthwhile looking at what you’re eating and drinking and making sure that it’s in line with your fitness goals. If you eat junk food, then the effects of your time in the gym will only serve to keep things in check -- you won’t actually make progress. They say that half of fitness is what you do in the gym, half of what you eat!

Small Lifestyle Changes

Another area where people typically compromise their fitness is through their sedentary lifestyle. You might run for 45 minutes on the treadmill, but if you’re spending the rest of your time sitting down, then you won’t be getting the most from your efforts. So take a look at your lifestyle, and try to make some subtle changes that’ll have you moving more. For example, could you walk rather than drive to the store? Could you cycle to work? Could you spend your evenings going for a long walk, rather than sitting on the couch? These small changes can make a big difference that can turbocharge your fitness. 


Work with the Experts

The human body is complicated, and, as such, it takes a level of expertise in order to work out effectively. Sometimes, people hold themselves back by believing that they’re working out in a way that’ll lead to results, but in actual fact, they’re not. They’re making errors, or they’re focusing on the wrong workouts, ones that won’t move them towards their desired physique. As such, it’s recommended that you work with a professional that can help, such as Andy Griffiths Online Personal Trainer. You’ll find that it’s much easier to get in shape when you’re doing a workout that’s specifically designed to get that result.

Increase the Intensity

You’ll only get out of the gym what you put in. If you’re going just once or twice a week, for thirty minutes or so at a time, then you can’t have too many complaints if you’re not making much progress. Perhaps the best way to turbocharge your fitness is to step things up. Can you go three or four times a week, or an hour? By far the best way to get into shape is to push yourself and stay committed to your physical activity. 


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