How to Get The Most out of Your Online Psychic Reading

Make your first online psychic reading meaningful with these tips.


Many psychic reading clients who are used to physical sessions often shy away from virtual and online readings.

Common reasons cited by such clients include the impersonal nature of distance readings and questions about the accuracy of the readings since readers aren’t present with you physically. However, all these concerns can be addressed if you approach the reading with the right mindset and few simple steps in preparation.

So, here’s all you need to keep in mind to ensure that your first online psychic reading is as satisfying and meaningful as the physical readings.

Choosing the Right Platform

The first step is obviously to get started on an online psychic service. There are countless psychic sites out there today that have hundreds, if not thousands, of readers offering their services. So, finding an online psychic platform that suits your needs can seem overwhelming at first.

However, it’s nothing that a few trials and evaluation will not fix. Do not hesitate to get onto platforms that appeal to you and give them a try. Psychic websites like Keen, Psychic Source, Kasamba, and AskNow are all well-known services that cater to millions of seekers like yourself. Or you can visit a free psychic reading website Tarotoo for an AI psychic.

If you like more low-key options, consider starting out on a smaller platform because the bigger ones have thousands of readers and psychics which may overstimulate some seekers.

Most online platforms today offer free psychic reading sessions that give you a taste of what’s in store without charging you for the session. It’s an excellent way to test the waters and get a feel for service before you actually open your wallet.

Either way, there’s a good chance you’ll find a psychic of your choice if you look carefully. So, don’t get too immersed in the choice of platforms or websites.

Tips and Strategies to Maximize Your Online Psychic Reading

1. Get over your apprehensions about distance/online reading

To start, you need to throw away feelings of fear or distrust towards psychic readings done online. Good psychics can offer insightful guidance and support even if they’re not present with you physically.

However, a hesitant spirit on your part can obstruct effective communication. As a result, your psychic may not draw enough meaning or inspiration to guide you correctly. So, you’ll have to approach the session with a willingness to be open, honest, and trusting before any good can come of it.

2. Choosing the right psychic platform

With so many online psychic services available today, the drudgery and confusion over choosing the right one can be daunting.

Your best bet is to go for one that uses strict measures in screening and recruiting their psychics. The top psychic platforms use multiple rounds of interviews and assessments before allowing a psychic to join their team.

These interviews also involve live reading and guidance to demonstrate their abilities. They also use strict contracts to ensure that newly employed psychics deliver to the best of their abilities with all clients.

3. Choose the right psychic 

The most convenient part of online psychic platforms is that you get access to a ton of psychics and readers who specialize in different forms of psychic services. The problem here is that new users often get overwhelmed with the choices and end up choosing unsuitable psychics for their queries.

If you’re familiar with in-person psychics, you already know that they use different techniques and types of readings. So, a Tarot reader may help you better with symbolism and imagery, while a numerologist may offer more guidance with numbers and the significance of numerical values in your life. Other psychics may describe themselves as mediums or clairvoyants who can communicate with or sense the spiritual or other-worldly realm.

4. Don’t expect all your answers in one session

Much like physical readings, online psychic sessions cannot get to the bottom of all your questions and problems in your first sitting.

You may get some satisfying revelations and guidance. However, the true significance of your readings and their meanings will unravel only after the psychic spends adequate time getting to know your state, history, and overall orientation.

So, expect and hope for a meaningful interaction on your first try. But don’t assume that all your problems or doubts get resolved on day one.

5. Take Note of Your Questions before you enter the session

It’s always a good idea to approach any psychic reading with some preparation on your part. With online reading, sorting out your thoughts and questions in advance goes a long way in drawing more meaning and resolution from the reading.

A well-thought-out approach to your session also saves your reader the trouble of trying to extract all your questions from a closed mind. Your reader will also get to work with more information and clearer questions as she tries to determine the right course of action for you.

6. Choose your medium of communication wisely

Unlike physical readings, online sessions offer a wider range of options when it comes to the mode of communication between you and your reader.

For instance, chatting with psychics is a cheaper and more convenient way of interacting with your reader, while video calls feel more personal thanks to the visual cues and virtual face-to-face experience. Some people also prefer the comfort of phone calls where you can hear the reader’s tone and voice. Calls are probably more preferred by people who’d rather not show their face immediately to their readers.

7. Seek to build trust and openness as you proceed

One of the biggest problems readers face is the distrust that clients have during online psychic readings.

Some caution is justified here because many con artists and swindlers try to pass themselves off as legitimate psychics online because the internet provides a degree of discretion and facade. However, this hesitation often causes more harm than good when you’re dealing with helpful psychics.

So, remember to keep an open mind as you enter your session. And continue interacting with honesty and focus as you begin discussing and unpacking the different areas of our life that require guidance and direction.
