How To Get Your Independent Clothing Line Off the Ground

Today it is easier and cheaper than ever.


When people think about the main advancements that we’ve made in recent times, they tend to focus on things like artificial intelligence and robotics, and those missions to space. Yet while there’s no doubt that those things are impressive, we shouldn’t overlook the less spectacular advancements that have been too. Let’s take a look at printing clothing, for example. This used to be an expensive and time-consuming process, but today it is easier and cheaper than ever. And that makes it a highly attractive proposition for creative people that want to start their own business. 

In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some of the best tips for getting your independent clothing line off the line.

Find Your Style

People aren’t going to buy your clothes just because you’ve made them available. You have to give them something that they want. When you’re just getting started, think about the style of your independent fashion house (this title sounds grand but it can literally just mean you’re printing your own t-shirts). This can be anything at all, but the key thing is that it feels natural to you. Indeed, it should feel like an extension of yourself, a style that is completely in line with your lifestyle.

Set Up a Website

You’ll be using social media to get people interested in your products, but your primary attention should be on your website. This is where you get to really present who you are to the world (you can do this on social media websites, but only in line with the website’s aesthetics). Your website is the equivalent of a flagship store. Make sure it says everything that you want it to say! And of course, you should ensure that the checkout process is straightforward.

Gain Exposure

You might have the best clothes on the web, but if no-one knows that you’re there, then you’ll find success hard to come by. It might eventually come, but you’ll be waiting a while! So make sure you’re accelerating interest in your brand. There are many ways to do this, but since your traffic will be mostly driven through social media, it’s best to focus there. A mixture of advertisements and social media influencers like those available at will ensure that plenty of people are exposed to your brand. From there, it’s all about hoping that they like what they see -- and if you’ve worked to develop eye-catching pieces, then they will.

Local Exhibitions

While a lot of your work will be online, you can and should also look to the offline world, too. For example, could you host local exhibitions at a gallery space? This is an excellent way not to just gain a local following, but to get feedback from people that have interacted with your brand. You’ll be able to see instantly how people are responding to what you’re doing. This is good for developing your ideas, and absolutely vital for staying motivated to keep on doing your thing. 
