Where Is the Expiration Date on a Bottle of Vape Juice?

Make sure your vape juice stays fresh.


If you’re a serious vaper, it’s definitely likely that you buy more than one bottle at a time when you stock up on vape juice. For one thing, placing a large order can help you avoid shipping fees at many online vape shops. Plus, it’s always good to have a few extra bottles available in case a shipment is delayed. You wouldn’t want to pay inflated prices at a local vape shop – or worse yet, buy cigarettes – while you’re waiting for a shipment to arrive from your usual vape gear supplier.

Even if you don’t usually buy vape juice in bulk, though, there may be times when you feel compelled to do so because the price is just too good to pass up. Maybe the place where you usually buy your e-liquid has a good coupon code for an upcoming holiday, for instance, or perhaps your favorite flavor has shown up in the clearance section. Those are two very good excuses to stock up.

When you stock up on vape juice, though, you don’t want to do so blindly – you want to have some idea of how long your e-liquid is going to last. To know the answer to that question, you need to know its expiration date – and that’s what we’re going to help you figure out in this article. Vape juice is usually intended to be used within a year of its manufacture – but with an expiration date, you’ll have even more information.

So, where is the expiration date on a bottle of vape juice? Let’s dig in.

The Expiration Date for Vape Juice Is Usually on the Bottle or Box

In most cases, the expiration date for a bottle of e-liquid will be printed directly on the box or on the bottle’s label. Look for an area with text and numbers that seem to be printed on top of the existing content. In addition to the expiration date, you may also find a batch code and the date of manufacture. If you don’t see this information right away, make sure that you’ve checked the back of the label and every panel of the box. If you don’t find the expiration date, check the bottom of the bottle. The date may be printed on the bottle rather than the label.

Most mass-produced e-liquid has an expiration date, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding one if you check the entire bottle and box. If you don’t have any luck, though, read on for some additional advice.

Look for Other Useful Information if You Can’t Find an Expiration Date

If you can’t find an expiration date on your vape juice, you should look for any other printed information that might be useful. For example, the box might have a QR code that you can scan, or it could have an authenticity code or batch number. If you go to the manufacturer’s website, you might find a page that allows you to search for the code or batch number and see the bottle’s expiration date.

Remember that if you’re unable to find the expiration date for your vape juice but can find the manufacturing date, that’s just as good. All that you need to do is add a year to the manufacturing date, and you’ll know the expiration date.

Are you unable to find any information at all about when your vape juice was made or when it will expire? We’ll discuss that next.

What to Do if Your Vape Juice Has No Expiration Date

If your vape juice doesn’t have an expiration date or date of manufacture, you’re basically flying blind. It’s still possible to make an educated guess, though, as to how long the e-liquid should last. You can make a note of when you purchased it. Add a year to that date, and then subtract a month or two to account for the time that the e-liquid spent in transit from the manufacturer to the distributor and eventually to the vape shop where you purchased it. In other words, if you use the vape juice within about 10-11 months of buying it, you can be pretty confident that it hasn’t been stored longer than a year.

How to Store E-Liquid to Make It Last Longer

Speaking of storage, let’s discuss what you can do to ensure that your e-liquid will last as long as possible. Storage plays a big role in how long vape juice lasts because you want to minimize the e-liquid’s exposure to light, air and heat. Those are the environmental factors that cause vape juice to oxidize and degrade, which saps the flavor and reduces the e-liquid’s nicotine content. To make your vape juice last longer in storage, just follow these three simple rules.

  • Don’t open the bottle until you’re ready to use it. A vape juice bottle is well sealed at the factory, and leaving it closed will ensure that very little air can get in.
  • Store the e-liquid in a cool, dry place that protects it from light and heat. A closed cabinet in an air-conditioned room, for instance, can work well.
  • If you’re going to be storing the e-liquid for a long time, consider putting it in your refrigerator or freezer. Keeping the vape juice very cold will slow down the chemical processes that cause it to lose its flavor and nicotine content.

Is It Safe to Use Vape Juice After the Expiration Date?

Although e-liquid is intended to be used within about a year, it’s not likely to be dangerous to use if it happens to be a little past the expiration date. Simply look at the bottle to see what kind of state it’s in. If the vape juice has turned dark brown, it’s badly oxidized. In this case, you should probably toss it. Likewise, you should discard e-liquid that has turned cloudy or has visible sediment in it because those are likely signs of microbial contamination. If the e-liquid basically looks the same as when you bought it, though, it’s probably fine to use as long as the flavor is still good.
