7 Genius Tips For Finding Lasting Love

Finding true love has health benefits.


Spending your life with someone you love can be rewarding. For starters, you can come home to a beautiful smile that warms your heart and care that calms you even after a particularly stressful day. You can also get the needed physical and emotional support when life throws unexpected circumstances your way. It’s worth noting that finding true love has health benefits. Research indicates that people in love tend to have lower blood pressure, improved immune systems, quicker healing rates, and prolonged life. While some people find it challenging to find love, it doesn’t have to be your story. Here are some genius tips to find your special person. 

1. Change your mindset 

Many people often believe that love will locate them when they are not searching for it. However, this is far from the truth. This is like saying a job will come to you without putting yourself out there. While this strategy will work for some people, it is the exception, not the rule. Therefore, you’ll find it helpful to ditch this mindset if you haven’t already. It’s important to make the needed efforts to find your future partner. This leads to the next point. 

2. Be optimistic about people 

You may never appreciate people if you always think negatively about them. This can trigger you to find fault in everyone, making it difficult to find a partner. Worse, you may attract people with much toxicity and negativity, ruining your dating experience. Fortunately, you can avoid this by thinking positively about every person you meet. Your positivity will encourage others to open up to you, leading to great friendships and, ultimately, finding love. The trick is seeing them as good people until they cause you to think otherwise. If you’ve had traumatic experiences with people, you can talk to a therapist to help you. You also have to be deliberate about being optimistic about others. For instance, when they do something out of character, you can empathise with them and try to understand why. This is more productive than branding them as evil people. 

3. Be honest about your needs 

People often enter into relationships only to discover that their needs aren’t being met. However, they could have avoided this situation by being clear about what they needed. Fortunately, you don’t have to engage in trial and error before getting your special person. You only need to be honest about what you need in a relationship. This way, you can ascertain if potential partners are suitable. Not only does it prevent time wastage, but you can avoid the unpleasant effects of heartbreak. You can even make a list to remind yourself each time you meet a new person, so feel free to consider this. Perhaps you desire an ambitious partner or someone who will always tell you the truth. You will always find someone who will give you what you desire. However, be sure to be the person they need, as couples need to be satisfied with each other. 

4. Put yourself out there 

As stated earlier, you don’t have to wait until love finds you. Instead, you must put yourself out there to meet your future partner. However, you also don’t want to seem desperate; it can give the wrong impression and attract the wrong people. Therefore, being strategic is essential. For instance, you’ll find avoiding getting drunk at the bar helpful if you’re looking for a lasting relationship. Instead, learn how to be sober when interacting with people to learn as much as possible about them. If you're dating a guy and want to gauge where the relationship is headed, you should know how to ask a guy what his intentions are. Open communication is key in any relationship, and discussing your expectations and desires can help both of you understand each other better. Alternatively, dating sites are a quick way to connect with people faster, so feel free to explore them. The good thing is that several online platforms like Grindr are tailored to cater to your preferences. You only need to create an honest profile to meet people with similar values. Speaking of similarity, the next point is also crucial. 

5. Opposites can attract, but similarities will last longer 

The term “opposites attract” is popular and often used when seeking a romantic partner. However, this can be more harmful than beneficial. Granted, hanging out with someone different from you may seem exciting initially. However, you may begin to experience friction as the relationship progresses. Differences in interests and values may lead to constant misunderstandings and conflicts, taking the joy away from your relationship. Moreover, psychologists and researchers indicate that people are drawn to others with shared beliefs, interests, and traits. Therefore, consider this before you enter into a relationship with anyone. Having different hobbies can be fun, as you can explore new activities. However, ensure your differences don’t overshadow your similarities. 

6. Take care of yourself 

While seeking the right person, you should also focus on making yourself the right person. You can do this by taking care of yourself. This goes beyond the physical; you also want to pay attention to your mental health and emotional stability. Since it takes a short time to create a lasting impression on people’s minds, you’ll find it beneficial to invest in your appearance. Consider keeping yourself in top shape by exercising and eating healthy meals. Likewise, adopt good hygiene practices, upgrade your style, change your hairstyle, and so on. While at it, ensure you don’t enter a new relationship with hurts from previous encounters. As stated, seek help from a credible therapist to help you overcome these emotional and mental hurdles. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude can also boost your mood and put you in the right state of mind, so keep this in mind. 

7. Don’t be carried away by infatuation

People often mistake infatuation for love, although they are different feelings. Admittedly, you may meet someone sweeping you off your feet at first sight. However, calling this love can be an error. People often present their best attitudes to create a good impression. Moreover, some people may pretend to be what they’re not to win your affection. Therefore, be on guard when going on dates. Instead of being led by infatuation, get to know your date better. As time progresses, you will get a glimpse into who they really are. This way, you can make an informed decision. 
