Ego Ella May's Journey Through Liminal Spaces

From emotional crossroads to Jazz-infused resilience.


Ever been in that weird emotional limbo where you're stuck between knowing what to do and actually doing it? Singer-songwriter Ego Ella May totally gets it! She turned those feels into an awesome song, "How Long 'Til We're Home," with Sam Posener. Imagine being stuck between a past you can't shake and a future you don't know – that's the vibe.

But guess what? Liminal spaces aren't just about love drama. Ego Ella May found this vibe in life's "intense growing pains." It's that awkward discomfort when you're on the edge of change, where the old clashes with the new, creating a unique emotional cocktail.

Ego Ella May cooked up the song in 2020, gave it a glow-up in 2021 with her band, and now she's bringing those soulful sounds to Ronnie Scott's on Feb 28th. How cool would it be to hear her tunes jazzed up in one of London's coolest jazz clubs?

Can't make it? Ego Ella May's got big plans, including hitting up the Brick Lane Jazz Festival in 2024. She's not just exploring liminal spaces in her music but also in her career, embracing change with every note.

So, grab your tickets, and let's dive into the liminal spaces together at Ronnie Scott's. Ego Ella May promises a night where vulnerability meets strength, and the magic of growth unfolds through the power of song. See you there!
