Eczema In The Workplace: Navigating Challenges

Thriving professionally with eczema


Eczema, a persistent skin condition affecting millions across the UK, is not confined to one's personal life; it often poses significant hurdles in professional settings. Successfully managing eczema at work requires a combination of self-care, understanding from employers and colleagues, and practical solutions to minimize discomfort and enhance productivity. 

In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the multifaceted aspects of eczema in the workplace, offering detailed insights, valuable tips, and strategies to help individuals thrive in their professional lives.

Understanding Eczema: A Comprehensive Overview

Before we explore the unique challenges that eczema presents in a work environment, it is essential to establish a thorough understanding of this skin condition. Eczema, also medically termed atopic dermatitis, is characterized by persistent symptoms such as redness, itching, and inflammation. 

It often exhibits a cyclical pattern, with periods of remission and flares, making it a particularly complex condition to manage consistently in a professional setting.

Workplace Challenges: A Deeper Dive

Appearance and Self-Esteem

Eczema's visible symptoms can often lead to profound self-consciousness and a lack of confidence in the workplace. The curious glances from colleagues or well-meaning but unsolicited advice can exacerbate these feelings of insecurity.

Tip: Open and transparent communication plays a pivotal role in alleviating these challenges. If you feel comfortable, consider educating your colleagues about eczema and its associated symptoms. This can foster a more supportive and empathetic environment where your concerns are better understood and respected.

Flare-Up Triggers: Stress, Allergens, and Environmental Factors

The workplace can be a breeding ground for eczema flare-ups, triggered by a multitude of factors. Stress, in particular, has a profound impact, and the demands of a busy office can easily ignite symptoms. Allergens and environmental factors can also play a pivotal role in exacerbating eczema symptoms.

Tip: It's essential to incorporate stress management techniques into your daily work routine. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, or mindfulness practices during short breaks can significantly contribute to stress reduction, helping to break the cycle of symptom exacerbation.

Pain and Discomfort: The Daily Struggle

Itchy, painful skin can be a constant distraction in the workplace. Focusing on tasks, participating in meetings, or engaging in office discussions can become significantly challenging when the urge to scratch becomes overpowering.

Tip: Keep a readily accessible supply of eczema-friendly products at your desk, including a gentle cleanser, moisturiser, and any prescribed treatments. Wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing can help minimise skin irritation, especially if your eczema affects areas frequently in contact with textiles.

Effective Communication: Bridging the Gap

Open and honest communication with your employer and colleagues is pivotal in creating a supportive environment for managing eczema in the workplace. Many employers are willing to make reasonable accommodations to support employees with chronic conditions.

A Heart-to-Heart with Your Supervisor

Initiate a private and confidential meeting with your immediate supervisor to discuss your eczema. In this conversation, explain how the condition affects you personally and any specific challenges you face while performing your job duties. It's an opportunity to foster mutual understanding and explore potential accommodations that can make your work life more comfortable.

Requesting Reasonable Accommodations: A Right, Not a Favour

Reasonable accommodations are your legal right under the Equality Act 2010 in the UK. These accommodations can vary significantly depending on your unique needs, and they can include:

  • Permission to Use Skin Care Products: Request permission to use moisturisers and medicated creams during work hours, especially if they are essential for your skin's well-being. Not sure which ointments to use? You can purchase a range of effective treatments, including hydrocortisone cream, from The Independent Pharmacy. 
  • Flexible Work Hours: Flexibility in work hours can be beneficial, allowing you to attend doctor's appointments or receive treatments without impacting your job performance.
  • Clothing Choices: If your clothing choices significantly affect your comfort, consider discussing attire options with your employer, such as wearing long sleeves or lightweight, breathable fabrics.

Educating Your Colleagues

In addition to effective communication with your employer, consider proactively educating your colleagues about eczema. While it's not obligatory, creating awareness about your condition can contribute to a more empathetic and supportive work environment. Encourage colleagues to ask questions if they're curious, and be patient and open in explaining how eczema affects you both physically and emotionally.

Practical Strategies for Managing Eczema at Work

In addition to effective communication and understanding from your workplace, adopting practical strategies can significantly enhance your ability to manage eczema during your workday.

A Consistent Skincare Routine

Establishing a skincare routine that you can follow consistently, both at home and in the workplace, is paramount. Consider keeping a small supply of eczema-friendly products at your desk, including a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and any prescribed treatments. Consistency in your skincare regimen can help minimize eczema flare-ups and discomfort.

Dress for Comfort

Your choice of clothing can significantly impact your skin's comfort. Opt for loose-fitting, breathable fabrics like cotton, which are less likely to cause irritation. If your eczema affects your hands, consider wearing soft gloves to protect them while typing or working with paper.

Air Quality and Environmental Considerations

If your workplace has poor air quality or excessive dust, consider discussing this issue with your employer. They may be able to improve ventilation or provide air purifiers to reduce allergens, which can be common triggers for eczema flare-ups.

Stress Management

Effective stress management is vital for eczema sufferers. Incorporate short stress-relief activities into your workday, such as a brief walk, stretching exercises, or a few minutes of meditation. Managing stress can have a profound impact on reducing symptom exacerbation.


Hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin moisturized from within. Avoid excessive caffeine consumption, as it can contribute to dehydration.

Legal Rights: The Equality Act 2010

In the United Kingdom, individuals with chronic conditions like eczema are protected by the Equality Act 2010, which prohibits workplace discrimination based on health conditions. This act ensures that employers make reasonable adjustments to accommodate employees' needs, including those related to eczema.

If you ever feel that your employer is not making reasonable accommodations or is discriminating against you due to your eczema, it's crucial to seek legal advice or contact organizations that specialize in workplace discrimination issues. Your rights are protected, and you should never hesitate to assert them when necessary.

Eczema-Friendly Professions: Considerations

While individuals with eczema can thrive in virtually any profession, it's essential to acknowledge that certain careers may present unique challenges due to the nature of the work. Here are a few professions that eczema sufferers may find particularly demanding:

  • Healthcare: Frequent handwashing and glove use can irritate the skin significantly.
  • Cooking or Food Service: Exposure to water, heat, and certain foods can trigger eczema flare-ups.
  • Construction or Outdoor Work: Exposure to environmental allergens and harsh weather conditions can be problematic.

While it may not always be possible or desirable to change your profession, being aware of these potential challenges and taking proactive measures to manage your eczema effectively can make a significant difference.

To Conclude: Thriving with Eczema in the Workplace

Managing eczema in a workplace setting comes with its own set of unique challenges. However, by employing the right strategies and receiving the necessary support, it can be effectively addressed. Key factors include open and honest communication with both your employer and colleagues, adhering to a consistent skincare routine, practicing stress management techniques, and being aware of your legal rights. These components are crucial for successfully navigating eczema while maintaining a professional career.

With patience, resilience, and self-care, you can conquer workplace obstacles and continue to excel in your preferred field.
