10 College Habits of a Successful Student

Study smarter, not harder.


College is a significant part of a person's life and can determine their future success. Even though success is subjective, there are some common habits that most successful students portray. These habits help you study smarter, not harder. So, we've decided to share them to help others become better versions of themselves.

Proper Time Management

Time management is crucial for a student. You have to be able to navigate between attending classes, studying, completing assignments, and other activities. Time management can help ensure you get to all your tasks and still have some time to yourself. Unfortunately, many students struggle with time management, which shows why some over-rely on paper writing services to complete schoolwork.

Taking Accountability

Successful people take responsibility for their shortcomings. For example, when one scores poorly on a test, they don't blame the test for being too complex. Instead, they admit they weren't prepared enough. Accountability shows strength in character and mindset, and holding yourself accountable means you will also hold others to a higher standard.

Setting Goals

Successful students set a lot of goals, both short-term and long-term. Short-term goals are things like improving your grades, forming a study group, and even completing assignments.

Long-term goals can be; graduating with honors, getting a good job, or getting your master's degree. Have short-term goals to help you stay motivated and contribute to the long-term goals. So during your free time, when checking out https://technicalustad.com/how-to-write-a-1000-word-essay/, spare some time to set goals.


Being a good student doesn't mean running yourself into the ground with pressure and anxiety. Instead, successful students find ways to cope with stress, such as participating in physical activities. It also means taking care of your body by; eating well, getting enough sleep, and staying active. You also need to set aside time to enjoy yourself through hobbies or with friends.

Attending Classes

Students who habitually skip classes tend to struggle with their courses. Serious collegians don't miss classes except during emergencies or due to illness. They also make the most of their classes by taking good notes and asking questions.

When you make a habit of skipping classes, you risk falling behind, and it shows when you struggle with most assignments and frequently have to buy coursework. While some circumstances remedy this approach, laziness isn't one of them.

Having Mentors

Mentors are important because they challenge you to improve and offer advice and encouragement. A mentor can be anyone you admire, a friend, a parent/guardian, or even a professor. Find a mentor who cares about your success, not just any successful person. They should want you to succeed and be willing to offer you guidance when you're struggling.


Successful people tend to have a lot of connections. Many of these connections are established in college by being more social. Being a lone wolf might work for you, but it can make you miss out on some great opportunities you may have otherwise had.

Your colleagues in college are not your competitors, and they may create opportunities for you in the future. While making connections doesn't come easy to everyone, there are some ways to make the process easier. They include Joining a sorority or a fraternity, joining a club, or participating in sports and other extracurricular activities.


Your failures should not define you. Successful students don't let failure keep them down. Instead, you should view failure as part of the journey and always get up and keep trying. Don't worry if it does not work out the first few times; keep going. Each failure will teach you something, and you will eventually succeed as long as you don't break your belief.

Choosing the Right Company

Good students tend to make friends with other good students. Similarly, you should have friends who share your ambitions and work ethic. It doesn't mean you throw away all your friends and make new ones; just spend more time with people who challenge you to grow.

Knowing When to Seek Help

Some battles you can win by yourself, but others, not so much. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness but shows you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Successful students will reach out to professors and tutors and acquire the assistance they need.

Learn to seek help when you're overwhelmed, whether in academics or life; you don't need to struggle alone. Whether it's coursework overload or a strict deadline for a master paper, there is always someone who can help.

Take-Home Point

Everyone has their interpretation of success. It can be excellent grades, money in your account, or proud parents, among other things. Know what success means to you and understand what you need to do to achieve it. It might not be easy, but then again, if it were, everyone would be successful.

