We Want What You’ve Been Smoking!
From the brand that began as an “over my dead body” reaction to a market of silly ‘super premium’ priced jeans (usually accompanied by an equally silly, super self-important brand name), Ãrjan Andersson’s Stockholm born Cheap Monday, delivers on another slice of #NEED inducing Scandimania, with their spectacular light show, SS16 collection: Nuclear Psychodelia.
Lit like the Northern lights of their homelands (not to mention the visual perspective of anyone who’s ever smoked something of the same name) that classic Cheap Monday oversized, but tailored approach, takes a trip down Shroom Style Lane, to what the brand describes as: “a hippie explosion inside your head.”
This really is how cool you think you look, when your head is in the clouds, and just like a real mental explosion of ideas, it’s go big, or go home: jeans and culottes more maxi than your personality, maxi graphic print sweater / pants sets, maxi monochrome dresses, with maxi distressed fraying to the hems of the jean shorts and hats, set in sky-high spectrum purples, pinks, blues, greens and ultraviolets.
With just the right weaving in of a cropped fitted jacket here, and tucked in shirt there, to keep the proportions wearable and down to Earth, Cheap Monday delivers on one of their most distinctive, and dripping in dynamite cool, collections yet. Spark it.