Anti-Meme Law Could Cost You $30,000
What Do You Meme?
If you’re in America it could soon cost you up to $30,000 to share someone else’s image without their consent. A new measure could mean the opening of a new small claims channel allowing artists to file for copyright infringement on images used without consent. The US House of Representatives has voted “yes” for this to go forward last week, it just needs to be passed through the Senate for it to come in effect.
It didn’t take long for the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) to be quickly renamed by the internet community as the “anti-meme” law. It would allow creators to file suits with a cheaper price tag as currently, the cost of legal action can outweigh the damages you can receive so no one tends to go through with it.
There are steps taken to see if something first infringes copyright and although experts claim that this law could include creators’ images appropriated in memes, it is rare for them to meet the criteria. Meredith Rose, Policy Counsel for the open internet advocacy group Public Knowledge has expressed her concerns.
Quoted in a report by Gizmodo, everyday people sharing images may be unaware of the consequences of this law, as well as worries about the legislation being taken advantage of by “copyright trolls.” She also discusses the idea that the Senate won’t even pass the bill, as there are still things like corporate crime that need work to avoid creating “knock-on effects.”
You don’t need to abandon your meme collection just yet.