Amazon Is Launching A Shopping Service That Makes Your Fav Retailer Totally Irrelevant
Primed to take over every aspect of our lives.
Once again, Amazon may have just solved one of our biggest problems in life. As we all know, the massive e-tailer really, really wants to dominate the entire world, and it looks like they’re succeeding. After buying Whole Foods in attempt to enter our heart through our stomach, they’ve now taken to hitting us where it hurts—in the wardrobe.
The massive e-tailer announced Prime Wardrobe, a service that lets you “try before you buy.” In a new press video, Amazon gave customers the lowdown on how the service works.
“Whenever you’re shopping at Amazon Fashion, look for the Prime Wardrobe logo. You can choose from over a million items from your favorite brands…pick out three items or more and we’ll ship them to you for free. Once your Prime Wardrobe box arrives to your door, you have seven days to try things on and decide what you’d like to keep.”
Nice, right? In one foul swoop, Amazon just fixed all the horrors of the mainstream shopping system. The disappointment of not finding your size, the general hassle, the checkout lines and the overall aggravation of shopping is all erased. Now, just buy a few sizes, have them shipped to you and keep the one that fits. It’s easy, fast, hassle-free and literally FREE. The robots thank you for your money and attention.
Big names are already signed up for the service including Adidas, Calvin Klein, Levi’s and Hugo Boss amongst others.
The real kicker is the discount scheme—it’s a beautiful tool that only further encourages our shopping addiction. Every Prime Wardober is granted 20% off should she or he keep five or more only items, but only keep three or four items, and that halves to a 10% discount. Great touch, Amazon. Kudos for wiping out our bank accounts and controlling our lives.