4 Alternative Pain Relief Solutions For Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps affect women all over the world.


Menstrual cramps affect women all over the world during and even before their period. For lucky women, they only experience mild cramps. On the other hand, some are unfortunate enough as they’ll find it excruciatingly painful to the point that it’ll affect their daily routine.

Furthermore, some women report that menstrual cramps usually occur in their lower abdomen, but the pain is also experienced at the lower back and upper thighs. Also, menstrual cramps are usually severe during the start of a woman’s cycle, but they’ll gradually become less uncomfortable.

If you’re currently experiencing menstrual cramps, here are some alternative pain relief solutions that you may try:


1. CBD

Hailed as the up-and-coming revolution in the healthcare industry, cannabidiol (CBD)–one of the many chemical compounds (cannabinoid) found in the cannabis plant–is said to be effective in relieving any type of pain. This is because CBD interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a system responsible for regulating digestion, mood, and fertility.

When CBD attaches itself to these receptors, it may help with inflammation, which is one of the primary causes of pain. It also reportedly regulates serotonin production, which is a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation, learning, and other physiological processes.

Because of the said functions, CBD may be used as a form of alternative to manage pain, specifically those caused by menstrual cramps. Hence, if you decide to go this route, try looking for a CBD company, like Betoken CBD, that carefully formulates its products in a way that’ll help you sleep, chill, and feel better. This way, you’ll rest assured that you get your money’s worth, and you’ll be able to properly manage menstrual cramps.

2. Essential Oils

In addition to clearing your skin, essential oils are also perfect pain relief solutions for menstrual cramps since it’s natural. When massaged onto the affected area, some essential oils may help manage period cramps, especially when it’s used in a blend of carrier oils, like coconut oil or jojoba oil.

You’ll get the most of your essential oils when it’s paired with carrier oils since the latter work by ‘carrying’ the former into your skin. Carrier oils also help spread essential oils over a large area, which helps you save on your supply.

Conveniently, there’s no hassle acquiring these oils since it’s readily available at some drugstores. If you want plenty of options, you may also choose to buy essential oils online.

Because of its ability to boost one’s blood circulation, here are essential oils that you can use to reduce period cramps:

  • Sage
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Clove
  • Marjoram
  • Cinnamon

Once you’ve decided to go for essential oils and you already have a carrier oil with you, rub a few drops between your hand and then gently massage your abdomen. Doing so for five minutes before and during your period may help lessen the effect of menstrual cramps.

If you’re looking for other natural alternatives that involve massaging your tummy, you can also opt for CBD-infused products. For the best results, make sure to choose a product that contains a blend of hemp and compatibles plants that are known for their medicinal benefits, such as this PMS and Chill CBD blend.

3. Water

Bloating is said to make the symptoms of a menstrual cycle, like cramps, even worse. To combat this, drink plenty of water, preferably six to eight glasses per day, especially during your cycle. To add a fancy twist and make it more refreshing, you can also add some lemon wedge or mint. Furthermore, bloating is also caused by excessive salt intake. Hence, try to cut it, too.

Drinking plenty of water is also beneficial for women whose menstrual cycle is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea–water helps replace lost fluids, preventing dehydration.


4. Exercise

Since menstrual cramps bring pain, exercising may be the last thing that women may want to do. However, exercising may provide pain relief.

This doesn’t mean performing strenuous exercises, like cycling at more than ten mph or hiking uphill, though. When you’re experiencing pain, such exercises may be impossible to do. Instead, you can go for gentle exercises, like going for a walk or doing yoga, since it can also release endorphins, which is a hormone referred to as nature’s natural pain reliever.

Speaking of releasing endorphins, orgasms are also a great pain relief solution since, similar to light exercises, they’ll also release plenty of endorphins and other hormones that’ll help a woman relieve their menstrual cramps, helping them feel good.


Final Words

Experiencing menstrual cramps is something that a woman may face every month, which is, sometimes, excruciating to the point that it’ll disrupt their routine. Fortunately, with these alternative pain relief solutions, women may have a chance to combat menstrual cramps. However, if the pain has become too unbearable, always consult with a healthcare professional.
