Yungelita Is The Instagram Shock-Value Queen You Need To Follow


Yung Elita (@yungelita) is one of those Instagram celebs who you’d recognize immediately if you saw her, even if you didn’t know her by name. Her enchanting and enigmatic Instagram personality and sexy, Lolita inspired outfits have led her to online fame and notoriety of an unexpected calibre. 

Elita’s profile paints a picture of a feminist schoolgirl meets gothic queen. Scrolling through her profile, you’ll be sure to find pictures of colourful knives sandwiched between pouty selfies and images of Elita so flagrantly sexual that they could technically be classified as heavily stylized softcore porn. Yung Elita’s “goth hoe” aesthetic is so shocking yet visually pleasing that it never fails to catch the eye of her legions of fans, as well as some of today's coolest alternative brands, bringing her constant features on alt-clothing giant O-Mighty’s Instagram feed, and even landing her a recent LimeCrime makeup endorsement. 

Famous for her artful nudes, risque outfits and blatant post-modern feminist views, a major factor in Elita’s charm is her secrecy— even though she lets her 600,000+ followers feast their eyes upon her naked body and hear her deepest and darkest fears and desires, she refuses to disclose her real name, or even where she lives (she’ll only mention she’s from eastern Canada), which is what makes her so fascinating as an online celebrity. Don’t believe me? Dive right into the gory pastel world of Yung Elita and take a look for yourself. 

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