Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Coconut Oil

Mother nature provides us with beauty products that you local drug store could never overdo.


We are in love with that coco…nut oil. 🌴
Many people are using it for cosmetic purposes to improve the health and appearance of their skin or and others use it to cook and make sure they loose some weight. We are going to show you 10 ways on how to use coconut oil the right way and what it does with your body. Keeping you fit and healthy all the way, from head to toe.

1. Use coconut oil in cooking to lose a little fat. It’s great for stir-frying, baking or just as a dairy free replacement to butter.

2. Added to foods or drinks daily it will give you more energy for the day.

3. Kills harmful microorganisms and can help skin heal faster after injury or infection.

4. Protects hair against damage. Rub a tiny dab on your hands and then through your hair and sleep with it over night. It will help you get rid of frizz.

5. Moisturizes your skin. We recommends: Use just a little bit before you go to bed since it's a little too oily for daytime and you're going to look greasy AF. 
5.1 ... or use it as massage oil!

6. Use it like mouthwash for whiter teeth in a process called oil pulling, which can kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental health and reduce bad breath.

7. Rubbed on lips as a natural chap stick.

8. Use it as an eye-makeup remover.

9. Rub coconut oil on the inside of your nose to help alleviate allergy symptoms.

10. Summer is coming, so coconut oil will reduce the itch of mosquito bites.

A jar of coconut oil is usefull to have in your kitchen, bedroom drawer or bathroom! Enjoy!

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