11 Reason Why Excessive Use Of Nicotine Is Bad For You

Nicotine is injurious to your health.


Regardless of the fact that how you smoke it, chew it or snort it, Nicotine is injurious to your health. It is commonly found in tobacco products, and has all the harmful material from tar and acetone to carbon monoxide and nicotine.

Nicotine intake can lead to continuous complexities in the body, some of which appear immediately while some may take their time. You can get continuous headaches from consuming nicotine or vaping, hair loss from chewing nicotine gum, dehydration from vaping, heart diseases from chewing/smoking tobacco, anxiety and whatnot!

But that’s not it. Here we explain 20 side effects of using excessive nicotine.

1. Hair Loss, Fungal Nails And Unhealthy Teeth 

Nicotine can be the root cause of huge damaging structural changes in your skin, hair, teeth and nails. Excessive usage of nicotine can cause yellowish or brown staining on teeth and nails and even cause fungal nail infection and gum recession in the mouth. 

It also increases the risk factor of hair loss, graying and balding which can be irreversible if nicotine is consumed in large quantities over longer periods of time.

2. Heart Disease

Nicotine can be the major reason for heart diseases which may lead to heart attack. It slows down the blood circulation in your body and causes the narrowing and hardening of arteries (blood vessels) which may make heart attack and other cardiac problems more likely.

3. High Cholesterol

A lesser known side-effect of using nicotine is high cholesterol levels. Nicotine raises triglycerides and cholesterol levels in your body which develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits grow, making it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. Sometimes, those deposits can break suddenly and form a clot that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

4. Immune System

Every part of your body including your immune system, functions better if protected from unhealthy strategies. Nicotine is found to reduce the response capability of your immune system and weakens the body's ability to fight off infections and diseases.

5. Early Menopause And Pregnancy issues

Nicotine consumption is harmful to pregnant women and their developing babies. Nicotine consumption can damage the developing baby's brain and lungs and cause unforeseen difficulties in the overall development of the child's body.

Also, women who smoke enter menopause earlier than the non smokers and they experience increased hot flashes which are night sweats that interrupt your sleep.

6. Poor Vision

Nicotine damages your eye that can eventually lead to future vision problems or blindness. It increases the risk of several eye problems such as degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts and macular. 

7. Dull Sense Of Taste And Smell

Smoking or intake of nicotine in any way can dull your taste buds and your sense of smell which can cause the loss of appetite. Resultantly, the host keeps relying on more nicotine to tend to his/her body’s need for food. 

Due to the dull sense of taste, it makes food less enjoyable to eat which causes loss of appetite. The idea of eating doesn't appeal to you or you might feel vomiting after eating. It causes the unwantedness of food, noticeable weight loss and not feeling hungry.

8. Respiratory Problems And Lung Cancer

Nicotine is responsible for developing diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer. Asthma attacks, and pneumonia is one of its common side effects. In the withdrawal phase, it can temporarily cause respiratory discomfort and congestion.

In the worst case, smoking can cause lung cancer, which is one of the leading causes of death for both men and women. Lung cancer is attributed to the substances found in tobacco, such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, and acetone. However, there are proactive measures that can be taken, such as CT lung screening, which can aid in the early detection of lung cancer and improve the chances of successful treatment.

9. Increased Risk Of infertility

Nicotine consumption affects the genital areas of both men and women and decreases the sexual performance and reproductivity. Both men and women who consume nicotine in any way are more likely to experience infertility than others. It increases the risk of miscarriage,asthma and death in newborn. It put the baby at risk for oxygen deprivation and growth problems and physical deformities. 

In the worst cases, it may even cause cervical cancer which develops in the lower part of the uterus. The fatality rates of cervical cancer patients are high and it is significantly increased in women who smoke or intake nicotine. Among other basic bodily functions, this may also make pregnancy more difficult.

10. Diabetes Complications

It puts you at the risk of two types of diabetic complications that are diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy. People with diabetic issues are three times more likely to die from lung cancer than those without diabetes. Retinopathy diabetes leads to blindness whereas diabetic nephropathy is a disease of the kidney caused by damaged blood vessels.

11. Increased Risk Of Blood Cancer

Through study it was found that, when compared people who consume nicotine have higher risk of blood cancer like leukemia than the people who do not consume it.

Bottom Line

Consumption of drugs is very injurious to health. Quitting drugs is difficult but there is always a way out. There are both short and long-term advantages in quitting nicotine and all other drugs. Since nicotine has so many bad effects on you, find a way to quit it to live a longer and happier life.
