Balancing Work Life & Parenting: Easy Self Care Habits for Your Health and Well-Being

Parenting, work, and self-care habits for a fulfilling life.


As a parent, you probably feel torn between your work, parental duties and self-care. You may even become overwhelmed often as you try to do everything on your list. You research the best foods and supplements, such as Untangled Hair, for you and your family, set aside time for each of your responsibilities and strive to find time for relaxation. Therefore, these are some habits you should consider.

Goals and Priorities

As with most things you want to accomplish, you should have goals for every area of your life, even your self-care and parental responsibilities. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and have deadlines. You can even break them down into manageable steps. For example, you may want to lose 10 pounds, so you can break this into food and exercise, which you use to create steps, such as using your lunch to take a 15-minute walk.

When you have your goals identified, set priorities. Balance these priorities and do not place all your parental or work tasks above your self-care. Each day, you should balance these activities.

The Importance of Self-Care & Time Management

Self-care helps you effectively manage stress. It increases your energy, mental health and physical health. It also reduces your risk of illness. Therefore, you need to take time to do things for yourself.

Time management is your best friend when you have to balance several aspects of your life. Create a planner or schedule for all your family activities and identify where you have open space. You know when you have to work, so block out these times. However, you probably have breaks and a lunch hour in your work schedule that you can work with.

Focus on the task at hand. Avoid bringing work home or thinking about your children’s needs when you do things for yourself. However, when it's family time, focus 100% on your children. They need to know they are first in your life.

Mindful Eating Habits & Supplements

Your health habits directly impact your physical, mental and emotional health. Therefore, make an effort to eat healthy foods. Eat slowly so you can feel when you are full and don’t overeat. Learn your body’s hunger signals, and recognize when you eat emotionally. Get plenty of water to maintain your hydration.

Research supplements that can improve your health, such as comparing Nutrafol vs biotin. Work with your physician to choose those that will have the greatest benefit on your health.

Relaxation and Sleep

Your body and mind need to have periods of relaxation. These aren’t just the times when you lay down and go to sleep. You may spend time enjoying a hobby or just imagining or thinking about something that brings you joy. You can also add breathing exercises, meditation or long, leisurely walks to your relaxation routine.

However, you also need a sleep schedule that gives you enough sleep so your body and mind can gain renewal. Avoid looking at your phone, tablet or computer just before bedtime so you can fall asleep faster.

As you start balancing your life and adopting self-care habits, be grateful for all the good things you experience and have, such as great products from Foundation Skincare that help you manage your skin, hair and health.
