A Guide to Grillz - Your Handbook for the Flashy World of Teeth Jewelry

The mouth jewelry that celebrities are obsessed with.


Jewelry but for your teeth? It sounds bizarre, but that is precisely what grillz are. Fascinating, quirky, and bold at the same time. To help you understand the basics of boujee mouthpieces, we have provided a handbook of everything you need to know!

What Are Grillz?

Grillz are decorative covers or caps that are worn over teeth. They are often made of precious gold, silver, or platinum and can be merged with gemstones or other decorative elements. Grillz gained popularity in hip-hop culture and is often associated with a flashy and extravagant aesthetic.



Why Are They Worn?

People wear grillz for various reasons, including fashion, self-expression, and as a symbol of wealth or success. They are typically removable and can be customized to fit an individual's teeth. Some individuals choose to have custom molds made to ensure a perfect fit, while others opt for pre-made, one-size-fits-all options.


Celebrities Who Wear Them

Most celebrities, especially those who have a hip-hop/street edge to their aesthetic, are often photographed wearing the teeth covers. Stars such as Drake, Rihanna and ASAP Rocky are all lovers of grillz.



More importantly, Kanye West made headlines after revealing he had his bottom row of teeth removed a few years ago and replaced it with a lower grill. He has also recently showcased his newest grillz that surprised people; let's just say they are certainly something for the eyes- not in a good way.



Final Notes

It's worth noting that while grillz are a fashion accessory, proper dental hygiene should still be maintained, and they are not meant for long-term wear. Removing them before eating or sleeping is recommended to prevent potential damage to the teeth or gums. So, if you are an edgy individual looking for a dental change, what are you waiting for? Express yourself today and invest in some!


